
Meet Mia, Your Marketing Intelligence Assistant

Write first-draft copy, generate new ideas, & upgrade your marketing workflows with CoSchedule's AI-Powered Marketing Intelligence Assistant.

CoSchedule's Marketing Intelligence Assistant illustration

AI Project Assistant

Instantly Generate New Project Ideas

Need new blog post ideas? Or inspiration for an upcoming promo? Ask Mia for help. Chat with Mia to come up with new angles, tactics, & copy for any of your marketing projects.

Chat with MIA to come up with new angles, tactics, & copy for any of your marketing projects.

Write First-Draft Content In Seconds

Starting is the hardest part. Mia breaks through writer’s block, so you can spin up a first-draft of your next blog post, social campaign, or press release in record-time.

Spin up a first-draft of your next blog post, social campaign, or press release in record-time.

Archive Chats For Your Team & Records

Chats with Mia are project-specific. This gives your entire team access to conversations that are relevant to the work they’re doing. Anyone on your team can review, reference, or join these conversations, too!

Access to conversations that are relevant to the work your team is doing.

Convert Responses To Text With One Click

Instead of copy/pasting content from ChatGPT, convert any of Mia's responses into a Text Editor with just a click. This way, you can focus on scaling content without sacrificing quality or branding.

Convert any of Mia's responses into a Text Editor with just a click.

AI Social Assistant

Writes Social Messages For You (So you Don't Have To)

CoSchedule’s AI Social Assistant instantly drafts social messages for you, so you can focus on strategy instead of writing copy. Best of all, every message meets best practices for each social network, so you can maximize engagement.

Instantly drafts social messages

AI Prompt Library

Access Over 500+ AI Marketing Prompts

New to AI? CoSchedule’s AI Prompt Library is the most comprehensive prompt library for marketers. It features hundreds of prompts to help you create high-quality content in less time.

Over 500+ AI Marketing Prompts
Customize Prompts
Customizable For Better Results

Easily personalize prompts to add key details relevant to your project.

Marketer-Tested and Approved
Marketer-Tested & Approved

Each has been tried and tested by professional marketers to ensure quality.

Generate Ideas To Final Draft
Generate Ideas To Final Draft

There are prompts for every stage of your creative process.

AI Image Generation

Create Picture Perfect AI Images

Generate images for social messages, blog posts, emails, and other content with CoSchedule’s AI Project Assistant and Social Assistant.

AI Image Generation
AI Social Messages
Take Social Messages From Basic To Bold

Generate high-resolution images to create more engaging social messages using AI.

AI Image Generation
Upgrade Stock Photos For Custom Images

Stock photos not cutting it? Describe what kind of image you need to transform your ideas into usable graphics.

Bring together AI-powered content + human creativity to create high-quality content in less time.

  • Instantly Generate New Project Ideas

    Instantly Generate New Project Ideas

  • Write First-Draft Content In Seconds

    Write First-Draft Content In Seconds

  • Archive Chats For Your Team & Records

    Archive Chats For Your Team & Records

  • Convert Responses To Text With One Click

    Convert Responses To Text With One Click

  • Writes Social Messages For You

    Writes Social Messages For You (So you Don't Have To)

  • Over 500+ AI Marketing Prompts

    Access Over 500+ AI Marketing Prompts

  • AI Social Messages

    Turn ideas into usable graphics with AI Image Generation.

Create Your Forever-Free Marketing Calendar