Share Mobile Links Directly to Your Calendar

Sharing a link from your browser to a social message inside of CoSchedule is simple as 1, 2, 3..
Sharing for iOS To share a website, click Share. (Note: This is for Safari's mobile browser. This can change for each mobile browser, but Chrome's Menu will be in the top-right hand corner.) If this is the first time you are sharing to CoSchedule, you will need to add CoSchedule to your Share menu. To add CoSchedule, click More. Find CoSchedule in your app list and toggle on CoSchedule. When you have finished, click Done. CoSchedule will now show up in the Share menu. Click the CoSchedule icon. The CoSchedule app will open. CoSchedule will automatically add the URL to your social message. Proceed to schedule your social message. To learn more about mobile scheduling, check out Using the CoSchedule Mobile App. Back To Top

Sharing for Android

To share a website, click Menu. (Note: This can change for each mobile browser, but Chrome's Menu will be in the top-right hand corner.) When the Menu opens, click Share... As soon as the Share menu opens, locate and click CoSchedule. The CoSchedule app will open prompting you to choose which calendar you want to share your URL. Choose your calendar. CoSchedule will automatically add the URL to your social message. Proceed to schedule your social message. To learn more about mobile scheduling, check out Using the CoSchedule Mobile App. Back To Top
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