10x Marketing Formula Toolbox

This book’s title tips off the premise: we're after 10x marketing results. This means the return we expect, and are resolved to achieve, is ten times over what we put in. We aren’t looking for 10 percent year-over-year growth; we’re laser-focused on blowing the roof off last year’s, last month’s, and last week’s numbers. To do this requires a mindset shift. You can’t expect 10x results from copying everyone else. What worked for someone else isn’t a guarantee to work for you. This means drafting a binder full of charts and best guesses and calling it a marketing plan is doomed to fail. It’s too crowded and the world moves too fast for “copycat marketing.” This book is about finding those strategic shortcuts. It’s about short-circuiting the path to jaw-dropping growth. You have to find your own way – and the 10x-Marketing Formula is that path.
Noah Kagan and the Proactive Dashboard
Founder of Sumo.com and AppSumo, Noah Kagan, talks growth hacking, embracing failure, and testing fifty-two growth ideas per year. He explains their team’s use of proactive dashboards to track progress against their goal and own the process. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.

Stage One: Create Competition-Free Content
Competition-Free Content Niche:
- This worksheet will help you identify and outline your own competition-free content niche.
Stage Two: Content Core and Content Core Customer Interviews
Finding Your Content Core:
- This worksheet will help you connect your customers’ needs with your business value.
Content Core Customer Interviews:
- This worksheet includes five content core questions to ask in target customer interviews.
Stage Three: 10x Projects
10x Project Ideas and Prioritization:
- This is a template for you and your team to brainstorm, score, and prioritize your 10x ideas.
Stage Four: 10x Calendar
10x Calendar:
- This is a simple editorial calendar template for you to map out your 10x projects.
Pat Flynn and the $300,000 Launch:
- Pat Flynn talks about how he and his team at Smart Passive Income used their 10x calendar to power an online course launch that resulted in $300,000 of revenue.
- You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
Stage Five: 10x Workflows
10x Blog Post Workflow:
- This is a sample of our 10x blog post workflow. Combine the process laid out in this chapter with the real-world example of what it looks like.
Stage Six: 10x Content
Jeff Goins and the Content Scorecard:
- In this interview, author and speaker Jeff Goins explains how his team developed the content scorecard—a tool he says transformed their results. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
10x Content Scorecard:
- This template helps you score your content before it’s ever published.It’s a dead simple way for ensuring consistent quality and measuring potential impact before a piece is published.
Brian Dean and the Skyscraper Technique:
- SEO expert Brian Dean discusses his “Skyscraper Technique.” It’s a brilliant method for creating the best content on a given topic. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
The Skyscraper Technique Checklist:
- This template helps you score your content before it’s ever published. It’s a dead simple way for ensuring consistent quality and measuring potential impact before a piece is published.
Headline Analyzer:
- The Headline Analyzer is a tool that will help you write headlines that drive traffic, shares, and search results.
Stage Seven: 10x Team
Andrea Fryrear on “What is an agile marketing team?”:
- In this interview, founder of Marketing Sherpas Andrea Fryrear dives deep into how marketing teams can appropriate and apply agile methods. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
Stage Eight: Minimum Viable Marketing
Ash Maurya and Lean Principles Applied:
- Author of Scaling Lean, Ash Maurya, and I talk about the confluence between minimum viable products and 10x marketing. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
Stage Nine: 10x Social Promotion
Social Media Image Photoshop CC Action:
- This Photoshop CC action will automatically size graphics for social networks Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.</li
Best Times To Post Infographic:
- This infographic is a quick reference guide to the optimal times to post on every social network. (Tip: You can automate this process with CoSchedule’s Best Time Scheduling feature.)
Best Times To Post On Social Media:
- This custom Google Analytics report will show you the best times to post to your social accounts based on traffic for each network.
Social Message Optimizer:
- The Social Message Message Optimizer is a tool that uses a powerful algorithm to help you optimize your social messages for every social network.
John T. Meyer on Visual Storytelling:
- Co-founder of Lemonly, John T. Meyer, discusses how his company used visual storytelling and microcontent for a 960 percent return on investment. You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
Stage Ten: 10x Email Promotion
Email Subject Line Tester:
- Create click-worthy subject lines with the Email Subject Line Tester tool. It will help you write email subject lines that drive more opens, more clicks, and more conversions.
Stage Eleven: Conversion Psychology
Joanna Wiebe on Why People, Click, Try, and BuyCreator of Copy Hackers and Aistory:
- Joanna Wiebe, unpacks the psychology behind conversions.
- Joanna explains the five stages of awareness funnel, and how to use calls to action and calls to value to turn visitors into customers.
- You will have access to the full audio interview plus transcript.
Stage Twelve: One Metric That Matters
Growth Stage Maturity Matrix:
- This template helps you identify which stage of growth your team is in.
- You will also define your 1MTM and goal KPI.