Inside CoSchedule’s New Fargo Office | #OverheardAtCoSchedule

We just opened our new awesome office space in Fargo! Take a look inside and see why the @CoSchedule team loves North Dakota:
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Eric: This is a true story. The events depicted in this film took place in North Dakota in 2017. At the request of the survivors, their names haven't been changed. Out of respect for our customers, the rest is told just as it occurred. Fire up your wood chippers, it's over to CoSchedule, Fargo edition! Oh, you betcha baby. It's over here to CoSchedule, the show where we talk about the things we talk about at CoSchedule. I am so excited. We are downtown Fargo. We have our grand opening of our new office and I cannot wait to check it out. Come with me. Garrett man, today is the big day. This is exciting. Garrett: Welcome to Fargo. Eric: Thank you. Pretty pumped. Ribbon cutting, grand opening for our Fargo office. Everyone knows we're HQ'd in Bismarck now, but what they don't know is we're opening this 14 thousand square foot office, 40 people here in Fargo. Pretty much seems like we're doubling down on North Dakota. What's your thought there? Garrett: Yeah, absolutely. Well, Fargo is a natural great fit for us. Great college town. Four major universities in the area. A great technology legacy. A lot of people probably don't know, the second largest Microsoft campus is right here in Fargo. Excited to be here. Eric: Very cool. Can't wait to cut that ribbon. Ah, crikey. It looks like I've caught some Fargoians in their natural habitat partaking in some type of meal sharing tradition. What's going on here Leah? Leah: Yeah. It's called a potluck. You make something at home, everybody brings a dish, and you might get lucky with what you've chosen and you might get unlucky. Eric: Oh yeah, it's a North Dakota favorite. Leah: Oh, yeah. Eric: I love the potluck. Leah, you're from Sweden. You worked over there for a couple of years. Now, you're back in downtown Fargo. I can literally see your apartment out the window here. What's that transition been like for you? Leah: It's been great. I'm from an hour north of Fargo, so it's awesome to be home and interestingly enough, I was actually a CoSchedule user when I lived in Sweden. Eric: What? Leah: I know! When I moved back to Fargo, I didn't know that it was a North Dakota company. I moved back and I was like, "I need to find a job there." Here I am. Eric: I love it. What do you love most about the Midwest?