CoSchedule Marketing Calendar
CoSchedule just launched the world’s only forever-free Marketing Calendar
Create Your Free Marketing Calendar Now

Idea Board – The Best Way To Organize Your Marketing Project Backlog

Idea Board by CoSchedule Ideas are fleeting. Planning is tough. And dates can be intimidating. But, what if I told you… You didn’t have to commit to a date to throw ideas out there, to plan out a month’s worth of content, or heck start (maybe even finish) a project?! Novel concept, right? Well...with CoSchedule’s Idea Board, you can!

Save every great content idea without distracting your current work schedule.

Sometimes you just need a spot - other than your hand - to get those million dollar content marketing topics out. With the Idea board, you’ve got a place to store, organize, and flesh out blog topics worth pursuing, trash the less stellar ones, and save those “maybes” for later.

Plan, prioritize, and execute on projects without ever committing to a timeline.

Just cos’ a project’s timeline isn’t solidified, doesn’t mean you can’t start on it! With CoSchedule’s Idea Board, you can plan, prioritize, and even execute on projects without ever having to pick a “publish” date ?

Triage inbound requests, before they hit the calendar.

You get a lot of inbound requests. And when everything is “super important/urgent/etc”, prioritizing inbound projects can be a challenge. With CoSchedule’s Idea Board, you’ve got a dedicated space for triaging, prioritizing, and delegating all those time-sensitive (or not so sensitive) asks!

Get stakeholder buy-in before you’ve gone too far.

Ever gotten super excited about a project, jumped on it, built a game plan, recruited your team, and got 78% of the way done… only to have your boss say…”This isn’t on brand. Kill it now.”...worst feeling ever ? With read-only views built directly into your planning stage (i.e. Idea Board), you can plan out those projects, get ‘em approved, then schedule ‘em with confidence.

Looking ahead to the future.

This NEW addition to the CoSchedule platform is only ONE of MANY upgrades coming in 2019. As marketers, we understand the struggle to balance those insane marketing initiatives, on top of team coordination, strategy planning, and project management. Which is why CoSchedule is on a mission to change that. What to expect from CoSchedule 2019:
  1. Global visibility across all your marketing efforts: Plan not only your project roadmap for an entire month or - gasp - even a quarter?! But get that crucial 10,000 foot view + granular day to day views in one tool.
  2. Assurance your team is working on the right stuff (at any moment) i.e get quick status updates, and do your nerdy resource planning (i.e. delegate, assign, or reassign tasks to specific team members).
  3. The power to not only manage & collaborate on every project, but also publish without spreadsheets, email threads, or random Slack convos.
  4. The ability to promote to all your social networks in one place.
  5. And most importantly...proof that you and your team are powerhouse marketers. No more questioning if the marketing team does anything!! Pull the report and drive home the reality that your team gets it done with clean metrics and visibility across all your projects.
Excited? Cool. Stay tuned. And as always, if you have feedback or thoughts on this new Idea Board (or the future of CoSchedule), we’d love to hear them:
About the Author

Whitney Deterding has 10+ years of experience in marketing with a focus on developing digital marketing strategies, managing marketing projects, and researching best practices for result-driven marketing. At CoSchedule, Whitney strategizes growth opportunities, develop's product positioning, and creates new research-based processes for the marketing team. Whitney also works on building cohesive branding across all internal departments. Whitney focuses on delivering value to the customers, growing the brand's identity, and increasing customer retention rates. She’s passionate about diving into data and developing new practices to grow the company. One of her main responsibilities is developing strategies for landing pages, emails, social posts, advertisements, promotions, product announcements, newsletters, website content, and everything else in between. Throughout this, she ensures that the company's messaging and positioning are aligned with customer needs.