CoSchedule Marketing Calendar
CoSchedule just launched the world’s only forever-free Marketing Calendar
Create Your Free Marketing Calendar Now

NEW: Visualize your team’s entire workload in one place

Marketing job descriptions are interesting. Cos’ despite what they suggest… Marketing isn’t the ONLY thing you do. Yes, you’ve got blog posts, campaigns, and stakeholder presentations... BUT on top of that, there’s a general (and often unspoken) expectation that you have a firm grasp on your team’s progress and workload - at any given moment ? in reality… That lil’ title of yours should really say: Marketer + accidental project manager with all the above responsibilities, plus...
  • Coordinate internal resources for flawless execution << i.e. balance those umpteen marketing projects like a Cirque du Soleil tightrope walker ?
  • Ensure resource availability and allocation << i.e. don’t kill your team, give them the right amount of work each week, and plan ahead 
  • And develop detailed project plans to monitor and track progress << oh you mean a like proactively plan out my team’s project workloads?

If your job title is "Marketer (+accidental project manager), this new feature from CoSchedule is worth a gander!

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Now, if only you could elegantly manage those many expectations (along with all your other marketing responsibilities)... Well ? As of today, we’ve got a nifty new product that will make your “accidental” project manager role way. more. enjoyable. Introducing CoSchedule's Team Management Dashboard: the place to see everything your team is working on, make game time decisions, and build out your team’s weekly schedules sans spreadsheets.
Give it a try! Schedule a demo today. With the Team Management Dashboard, you can finally…

1. Visualize your team’s entire workload (and make sure they’re working on the right stuff).

Create realistic workloads for everyone AND get a bird’s eye view on all their projects. With CoSchedule's Team Management Dashboard, you can easily delegate, assign, and reassign projects & tasks, so you can effectively manage your team’s week.

2. See everyone’s progress in real time (and make game-time decisions).

With CoSchedule, you can see everyone’s workload in real time (sans pings, emails, and meetings); empowering you to give realistic timelines quickly and keep stakeholders happy. Cos’ let’s face it, fire drills ? will creep up, last minute requests will be made, and your boss wanted an answer yesterday. So, why not just expect it?   And lastly, when those Monday morning stand-ups occur…

3. You’ve officially got a ready-made dashboard.

No more scrambling, cobbling together to-do lists, or building out daily schedules in a spreadsheet ? Simply open up your team’s workload in CoSchedule, have a five-minute convo, and get on with your day.  

Looking ahead to the future.

This NEW addition to the CoSchedule platform is only ONE of MANY upgrades coming in 2019. As marketers, we understand the struggle to balance those insane marketing initiatives, on top of team coordination, strategy planning, and project management. Which is why CoSchedule is on a mission to change that. What to expect from CoSchedule 2019:
  1. Global visibility across all your marketing efforts: Plan not only your project roadmap for an entire month or - gasp - even a quarter?! But get that crucial 10,000-foot view + granular day to day views in one tool.
  2. Assurance your team is working on the right stuff (at any moment). Get quick status updates and do your nerdy resource planning (i.e. delegate, assign, or reassign tasks to specific team members) inside CoSchedule.
  3. The power to not only manage & collaborate on every project, but also publish SANS spreadsheets, email threads, and random Slack convos.
  4. The ability to promote to (and monitor) all your social networks in one place.
  5. And most importantly...proof that you and your team are powerhouse marketers. No more questioning if the marketing team does anything!! Pull the report and drive home the reality that your team gets it done with clean metrics and visibility across all your projects.
Excited? Cool. Stay tuned. And as always, if you have feedback or thoughts on this new Team tool (or the future of CoSchedule), we’d love to hear them:!
About the Author

CoSchedule's product marketing lead/coffee expert/startup enthusiast.