How Much Advice Should You Give Away For Free? With Matt Snodgrass From MarketingProfs [AMP 073]
- When it comes to marketing, you may play many roles and do a little bit of everything.
- MarketingProfs focus on various types of content because people respond differently to types of content, depending on whether they prefer to read, watch, or listen to content.
- Developing a process for prioritizing content to educate others and identifying SMEs/potential influencers and topics you need to focus on to guide your business.
- Make different types of content available on-demand. Let the users learn on their schedule.
- Compile a backlog of content, so you can tailor and customize it to some degree. For example, you can have one month focus on one topic, and then the next month, focus on a different topic.
- MarketingProfs’ product is content. Courses, Webinars, seminars - everything the company does revolves around content.
- It can be difficult to determine how much content to give away for free. MarketingProfs’ Website contains mostly free content. But for a fee, users can subscribe to additional in-depth content.
- Avoid junk by making sure the content you offer has value. Convey the principles of good marketing.
- Learn how to become an authority for your niche by not being afraid. Let go of worrying that people do not care about what you have to say.
- “Our goal here is to help people learn and, in the end, to create smarter marketers.”
- “We know that for each person, there’s going to be a different way of learning that works best for them.”
- “We believe in our heart of hearts that learning is transformative. We know learning can change lives. Honestly, learning has the power to change the world.”
- “Learning really can change you as a marketer, can change your role in your company, can change you as a person.”
How Much Advice Should You Give Away For Free? With @msnods From @MarketingProfs
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