How to Apply Audience Insights to Content Marketing With Rand Fishkin From SparkToro [AMP 178]

- SparkToro’s Solutions: Pay-to-play frustration? Alternative channels are available
- Broaden, Don’t Abandon Scope: Turbocharge marketing without spending much
- Find the Right People: Scrape and scroll through shares on social platforms
- Speak the Language: In-jokes and memes won’t work, don’t make assumptions
- Avoid Potential Pitfalls: Know, understand, measure, audit competitive landscape
- Event Attendance for Audience Research: Don’t limit learning and consumption
- Formalized Practice: Turn intelligence into product features, data, and positioning
- What it takes to win? Position product’s story, language, and solutions
- Product Content: Influencers earn amplification, engagement, and awareness
- Narrow Niche: From reachable audience to ideal customers
- Purchasing Decisions: What makes qualified customers buy or not buy products?
- “This duopoly just really monopolizes our attention as marketers and our budgets. It is really hard to get a competitive advantage.”
- “If Facebook advertising is producing positive ROI for you, keep investing. But is it giving you a competitive advantage?”
- “You have a superpower without spending an exorbitant amount of work or dollars.”
- “Point to your competition.”
How to Apply Audience Insights to Content Marketing With @randfish From @Sparktoro
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You are listening to the Actionable Marketing Podcast powered by CoSchedule, the only way to organize your marketing in one place, helping marketers stay focused, deliver projects on time, and keep their entire marketing team happy. Ben: Hi there and welcome to another episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast. Before we get too far into the show, I want to note that between the time that this interview was originally recorded and now when I’m recording this introduction, our world changed considerably with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. I also have no idea how much things might further change between now when I’m recording this introduction and when this episode goes live in a couple of weeks. One thing I will say is that, given our current circumstances, as much as talking about marketing feels a little bit weird at least to me personally, just considering the gravity of the situation that we are all in and just generally being in the early days of getting used to working from home, and just figuring out how we are going to make this all work while we are going through this together, I also feel very fortunate to be able to continue to do this show. I hope that in some small way, if you have made our show a part of your routine week to week, I hope that we can help you maintain maybe some sense of normalcy. Above all, I hope that you and those you care for are staying safe and that you are doing your best to take care of yourself and others around you. With that said, our guest on this episode is someone that I was extremely excited to get to speak with. I feel like Rand Fishkin really almost needs no introduction. As I’m sure is the case for a lot of your listeners out there, Rand has been a big inspiration for me for years, his Whiteboard Fridays from back in the Moz days, the SEO software company Moz that he founded. Those videos were instrumental in my own education, in my own career development when I was starting out in this field, and just following his work and his insight over the years has really benefited me a great deal. I am really excited to be able to bring him back to the show for the second time. He was on the show a couple of years ago in early 2018 to talk about audience research and some of the problems in that area that he is hoping to solve with his new company SparkToro. In a time where it feels like Google and Facebook dominate so much of our attention and our marketing budgets, it's becoming increasingly important to be able to understand where your audiences are hanging out and who they are following, not only on those platforms but well beyond it. If you are looking for insight into how to actually do that, why it matters and how it can give you a massive competitive advantage, then I highly recommend listening to what he has to say. Here’s Rand. For listeners of the show, can you explain what you’re working on with SparkToro and the sorts of audience research problems that the product solves? Rand: The inspiration behind this, Ben, was basically Casey, my co-founder and I, kind of looked across the landscape of web marketing and obviously search marketing because of my personal views at Moz and felt this frustration. I don’t know if you felt it, but this frustration that Google and Facebook sort of own the entire landscape. This duopoly just really monopolizes our attention as marketers and our budgets and that it is really hard to get a competitive advantage by bidding against your competitors, doing SEO, and doing Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube marketing. These channels are just so saturated and so challenging. Google and Facebook have made it such that they are really want you to pay to play in these places.