How To Focus, Prioritize, And Stay Organized With Your Marketing With Jana Barrett From GetFeedback [AMP 037]
![How to Stay Organized With Your Marketing With Jana Barrett from GetFeedback](
- Information about GetFeedback and what Jana does there as the head of content marketing.
- How Jana finds a balance between strategic work and executing projects, particularly on the importance of seeing the forest for the trees and not getting caught up in minutiae.
- Jana’s system for time management: How she uses calendars and spreadsheets.
- Why it’s important for a marketing team to get feedback from a sales team and how this strategy helps the marketing team get closer to the customer.
- Where Jana’s first marketing ideas came from during her earliest projects.
- What the typical workflow looks like at GetFeedback, how they do their scheduling, and how far out they plan their content.
- Jana’s best advice for someone trying to get more organized and set better work priorities.
- “We were really focused on the big picture instead of tossing hours and minutes down the drain by getting caught up with data and charts.”
- “When you get feedback from the people that are having direct conversations with the humans on the other side of the phone or the computer or the table, you are able to connect to them.”
- “Being able to say no to things, to yourself, and to other people is really important in a content creation position.”
How To Focus, Prioritize, And Stay Organized With Your Marketing With Jana Barrett From @GetFeedback
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