How to Foster a Self-Accountable Company Culture That Gets the Most From Your Marketing Team With Wayne Mullins of Ugly Mug Marketing [AMP 173]
- Old School Approach: Results-focused marketing that goes back to the basics
- Components of Self-accountable Culture:
- Activity and accomplishment are two different things
- Accountability flows from within, not from the top down
- Each individual’s ability to quickly and easily assess their goals
- Quantity vs. Quality: Improving company culture, improves company’s marketing campaign results for clients
- Aptitude and Attitude: How marketing managers can accurately assess potential hires for culture fit
- Culture Matters: How is it working for you? Are you constantly having to micromanage and fix mistakes?
- Consistency Creates Miracles: Culture is misunderstood as end thing to pursue instead of byproduct of components put in place
- Lead by Example: Foundation conversation around trust versus suspicion
- If unintentional about building a high-performance, self-accountable culture, then you’re intentional about building a low-performance, non-accountable culture
- Three steps to get started: Self-evaluation, scoreboard, and rhythms of accountability
- “So often in our culture, in the entrepreneurial small business world, people get distracted by checklists and magic bullets.”
- “We still have to constantly communicate to our clients that it’s not a matter of quantity, it’s a matter of quality.”
- “Culture is the thing in this new ‘economy that we’re living in’ that differentiates one business, one competitor from the other.”
- “Without trust, you cannot, absolutely cannot have a high-performance team.”
How to Foster a Self-Accountable Company Culture That Gets the Most From Your Marketing Team With Wayne Mullins of Ugly Mug Marketing
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