How To Hone (And Improve) Your Marketing Delegation Skills With Sean Work From Crazy Egg [AMP 027]

- Information about Crazy Egg and what Sean does there.
- Some of the challenges that Sean faced that caused him to learn how to delegate efficiently.
- Why it’s important to hone your processes before beginning to delegate work to others.
- Why delegation in itself is important.
- How Sean honed his delegation skills, as well as how he has taught his team his processes.
- Steps Sean takes when one of his delegated projects runs into an unexpected problem.
- Sean’s best advice for people who want to get started with delegating to others.
- How much delegation is too much or too little.
- “As you get older, you progress. This kind of mindset in the way you do things can be detrimental.... You really have to just move forward and become a delegator.”
- “Don’t feel guilty or weird about giving tasks or projects to people. That’s your job.”
- “if you’re a business owner, your personal time is super expensive.”
How To Hone (And Improve) Your Marketing Delegation Skills With Sean Work From Crazy Egg
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