This Is The Best (+ Easiest) Way To Manage Multiple WordPress Sites [NEW]

This Is The Best (+ Easiest) Way To Manage Multiple WordPress Sites
Click To Tweet- Manage all your WordPress sites in ONE calendar. No more jumping from calendar to calendar to keep track of every WordPress site. Quickly access all your sites (and every associated task, piece of content, and deadline) in the same calendar. ?
- Customize CoSchedule to fit your needs. CoSchedule is designed for flexibility. As you take on multiple websites, more clients, or want to dabble in you can easily add multiple WordPress sites to the same calendar based on what works best for you!
- Simplify your team’s workflows + collaboration. With the ability to see every WordPress site in the same calendar view, you and your team can easily track + manage multiple projects (for multiple sites) and quickly see what content is going where, in real time.
Manage All Your WordPress Sites In ONE Calendar
Switching back and forth between calendars... ...tracking down every task...piece of content...AND deadline for each WordPress site? Honestly, with everything else you need to manage…’s enough to make your head spin. Luckily, with Multi WordPress, you can manage ALL your WordPress sites in ONE calendar. No more jumping from calendar to calendar to keep track of every WordPress site! Quickly access all your sites (and every associated task, piece of content, and deadline) in the same calendar. ? (AKA your life just got a lil’ easier). WIthout further ado...let’s dive into the deets!

Customize CoSchedule To Fit Your Needs
The story is always the same. You buy a tool. And just a few months later… Your business grows, your clients double, or you need to change up your strategy. And even though you only need a little more wiggle room…. You either have to cough up wayyyyy more $$$ to keep the tool… OR waste hours trying to find another one that can do the job. It’s annoying… And you know what? We get it. That’s why CoSchedule is designed for flexibility. And as you take on multiple websites, more clients, or want to dabble in you can easily add multiple WordPress sites to the same calendar based on what works best for you! First things first, getting your multiple WordPress sites hooked up to the SAME calendar. Here’s the how-to: First, head to the integrations page in your calendar settings. Find the WordPress integration, and click “Add a WordPress Site”. Enter the URL of the WordPress site you want to connect to your calendar, login into WordPress, and voila!
- You have a professional AND personal website: Connect both sites to the same calendar so you can easily see the content planned for your current business (and the content you’ve got planned for your side hustle).
- You’re a marketing agency: Connect *every* client’s WordPress site to the same calendar to easily see EVERY piece of content you create…for every client.
- You’re trying out a new strategy: Connect multiple WordPress accounts to the same calendar to see where the stars can align to dabble in a little cross promotion.

Simplify Your Team’s Workflows + Collaboration
Managing content is one thing… ...but managing a team? That’s a helluva lot harder. Because it’s YOUR job to make sure they have everything they need to be successful. Which means it’s YOUR job to get things organized. #truth So when you think your head is spinning... Your team feels the same way. (And that content is NOT going to write itself!) Luckily, with Multi WordPress, you can simplify your team’s workflows + collaboration! With the ability to see every WordPress site in the same calendar view, you and your team can easily track + manage multiple projects (for multiple sites) and quickly see what content is going where, in real time. Which means everyone (and every site) stays in sync AND your team is as organized as ever.