How To Boost Your Results With Original Research As A Marketing Tactic With Andy Crestodina From Orbit Media Studios [ACM 015]

How To Boost Your Results With Original Research as a Marketing Tactic
Click To Tweet- Orbit Media Studios: Who they are and what Andy does there.
- How long people tend to spend researching, writing, and formatting their blog posts: It might be longer than you think!
- Why quantity and frequency of blogging matters, and how often the most successful bloggers post.
- Tips on conducting original research: How to get enough survey participants and how to write a good survey to begin with.
- How Andy maximizes and promotes his original research.
- How Orbit Media Studios uses original research to improve their own marketing.
- “If we produce something original, that will have a better chance in rising above the noise.”
- “Ask [yourself], what statistic or what data point would strengthen my sales pitch? Then go find that data.”
- “Basically, persistence wins. It’s the most powerful force in the universe.”
Nathan: Is there a correlation between how frequently you publish and your success? For a marketer like me, it would be amazing to know the answer to that question and it would be even more amazing if that answer was 100% backed by data. And do you know what it would take to find that answer? It’s called original research. That’s why I’m chatting with Andy Crestodina today. He’s the co-founder and strategic director at Orbit Media Studios, and he’s recently published some amazing original research about how much time marketers spend writing blog posts, how frequently they publish, and a whole lot more. Andy’s on the Actionable Content Marketing Podcast today to share some insight from his original research. You and I are also picking his brain on how to do original research ourselves to share data with our own niches. You’re about to learn how to gather research, analyze your results, and what some of those benefits are that you’ll get by publishing your own original research as a content marketing tactic. Let’s hear more about it from Andy. Hey Andy, thanks a lot for being on the show today. We’re really excited to have you. Andy: I’m glad to be here, Nathan. Thanks. Nathan: Andy, could you just start by filling me in on Orbit Media Studios and what you do there? Andy: Sure. I’m one of the co-founders, it’s a team of 38. We are quite simply a web design and development company in Chicago. This is year 16, so we’ve done more than a thousand projects. It’s a more strategic approach than most, we are very much focused on outcomes. It’s all about building things that are optimized for search and optimized for conversion and understanding analytics and aligning it with the content marketing and other marketing goals. That’s what we do. It’s a development shop here in Chicago. Nathan: I’ve been following what you guys do, we’re pretty excited to be chatting today. One of the projects that you just wrapped up was the Annual Blogging Survey and that’s what we want to talk about today. I was wondering if you could just give me some background on that survey. Andy: Sure. We know that there’s insane competition for content in marketing. We know that if we produce something original, that will have a better chance in rising above the noise because you will be the primary source for that topic. It basically involved deciding in advance that we wanted to fill in the missing stat, find the missing stat and sort of be a source for a data point that didn’t exist before.