“Please look, but do not touch.”
the thought racing through your mind every time you get a request to “access the calendar”)
Your calendar is mission control for your
entire marketing strategy.
It’s your baby.
And those accidental deletions…
Finger flubs…
And randomly “misplaced” content…
...aren’t simple fixes...
They’re all-nighter, stomach dropping fiascos. ?
So, how to do you keep the right people in the know AND still maintain control over your marketing calendar (and what happens to it)?
Until today, you had two options:
- Pay for additional users who may or may not EVER log in…(and live in constant fear that something will get deleted or modified or vanish)
- OR take hundreds of static screenshots and manually upload them into an email or presentation...(which is ineffective and tedious as hell).
Starting today, we’ve got a MUCH better solution.
Introducing Read-Only View from CoSchedule! AKA the *new* way to share your calendar (with outsiders) without paying for additional users, taking a bunch of static screenshots, and worrying about unwanted edits!
(Plus, every Read-Only View is mobile-friendly and support both phone AND tablet!)
With Read-Only View from CoSchedule, you can:
- Keep higher-ups “in the know” sans static screenshots (or other weird workarounds). With Read-Only View, you can create custom views of your calendar that are interactive, update in real-time, AND give your team the details they need (nothing more, nothing less).
- And eliminate unwanted edits to your content! When you share a Read-Only View with someone outside your calendar, they can only look at your content...no edits, finger flubs, accidental deletions, or moving around your carefully planned marketing campaigns allowed.
Whether you need to share important marketing details with a client...your supervisor...or a contributor outside the calendar…
Now it’s easy to share the RIGHT details…
...at the right level.
Keep Higher-Ups “In The Know” Sans Static Screenshots (Or Other Weird Workarounds)
Your marketing strategy is on a “need to know” basis.
Unfortunately for you…you have a lot of people who “need to know” what’s going on.
And while giving an update isn’t the problem…
Sharing a plan that lives inside your calendar isn’t easy.
You either have to share a zillion screenshots (that don’t show the whole picture)…
Add them as a user inside your calendar (which often times means more $$ for a user that barely uses the tool…).
Or figure out another weird workaround (like creating your own reports, presentations, etc. that end up taking WAY too much of your time).
With Read-Only View, you can create custom views of your calendar that are interactive, update in real-time, AND give your team the details they need (nothing more, nothing less).

And because flexibility and customization are ALWAYS key…
You can share the view of your calendar that works best for you!
Whether you’re looking to share a full calendar with your supervisor….

Share a saved calendar view with your client….

Share a marketing campaign for your university with another department….

Share a piece of content with an outside contributor...

Or even just a social campaign with contracted graphic designer...

Regardless of what you’re trying to show (or who you’re sharing with) It’s EASY to control what you share!
After you’ve shared the link to your calendar...it automatically updates when you’ve made changes inside your calendar!
Which means you only need to share the link ONCE (instead of a thousand times after every single update).

Want to limit access even after you’ve shared the link?
Easily “break” the link and the user will no longer be able to access the view you shared (which keeps YOU in complete control).

Not quite sure if you want to share link? (Or have someone outside the calendar that can’t quite *cough* use the link?)
You can easily download and share a PDF version of your calendar instead
(coming soon)!

No matter what view of your calendar you want to share (or how you want to share it)...
...Read-Only Views make it easy for you to keep the people “in the know” WITHOUT all the hassle!s
Eliminate Unwanted Edits To Your Content!
When you rely on CoSchedule to keep your entire marketing strategy organized…
The LAST thing you need is for someone who doesn’t know what they are doing to edit your work...your tasks…your content...or literally any piece of your marketing strategy.
Luckily, when you share a Read-Only View with someone outside your calendar, they can only look at your content...no edits, finger flubs, accidental deletions, or moving around your carefully planned marketing campaigns allowed.
BUT that doesn’t mean that the views you share aren’t just as useful as someone being inside your calendar!
And to prove it, let’s dive into how the read-only views look to someone outside of your calendar.
View 1: Main Calendar View
When you share your main calendar view, the outside user can see literally *every* piece of content inside your calendar (and even see how your color labels)!

And then from the main view, they can dive into individual pieces of content!
View 2: Saved Calendar View
When you share a saved calendar view with someone outside your calendar, here’s how it looks:

And just like when you share your main calendar view, the user can jump into every piece of content associated with the saved calendar view!
View 3: Marketing Campaign View
Here’s how it looks when you share a marketing campaign view:

And just like when you share your main calendar view or saved calendar view, the user can jump into every piece of content associated with your marketing campaign.
View 4: Content View
And when you’re looking to share a single blog post (or just a single piece of content on your calendar)...here’s how it looks to an outsider:
Blog Post:

Piece of Content:

BUT WAIT! There’s more :)
When you are deciding to share a piece of content, you can get even MORE granular by deciding to share the entire piece of content (like you saw ^^ above)...
Just the content editor…

Or even just the social campaign!

The best part of all this sharing? When you share content with attached images or files, they can easily be downloaded by the outside user!

^^No matter what view you share with Read-Only View, you stay in control of what gets shared AND the person outside your calendar gets all the context they need (without having to worry about edits to your content)!

“Please look, but do not touch.”
the thought that USED to race through your mind every time you got a request to “access the calendar”)
But that thought is no more, my friend.
IT’S A REALITY thanks to Read-Only View from CoSchedule, AKA the solution that allows you to share important marketing details with a client...your supervisor...or a contributor outside the calendar…
WITHOUT having to worry about edits to your content.