Marketing Pitch:

A proposal sent to a prospective client meant to persuade them to try a brand's products or services. This can also describe the presentation given to potential investors.

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The goal of a marketing pitch is to get the prospective client to invest in a brand’s product or service. The pitch itself should focus on how the product or service will solve an issue that the client has.

If pitching to an investor or someone on your team, the goal is to get them to see the benefits of your idea and convince them to join you. In order to do this successfully, you first need to grab their attention.

Here are some key things to include in your marketing pitch:

  1. Overview: A summary of your plan/ product
  2. Goals: What your plan/ product will achieve
  3. Timeline: The order of events and how long it will take to achieve your goals
  4. Perks: The additional services you will provide to the client
  5. Why You?: Why this client should go with you and your idea/product

Below is a graphic created by Visme that shows what you might want to include if you’re pitching to investors.

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