Public Service Announcement (PSA):

A message in the public’s best interest distributed by the media for free.

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The objectives of PSAs are to raise awareness on a topic and change the public’s opinions or behavior towards an issue. PSAs can be instructional, inspirational, or shocking to create emotion and encourage action.

An example of a PSA from the Leukemia Research Foundation announces an upcoming conference, encouraging people to attend:

“If you or a loved one is living with leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, or MDS, don’t miss the 15th annual Treatment Options for Blood Cancer Patients conference on Saturday morning, May 11, at the Hyatt Regency in Lisle. You’ll learn about the latest breakthroughs and emerging treatments presented by leading experts in the field. The free Treatment Options Conference is presented by the Leukemia Research Foundation and includes breakfast and lunch. For more information, registration, and a full program agenda visit all-blood-cancers-dot-org.”

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