Create Discussions

Erase the issue of having to locate conversations in all your different tools. Discussions inside of projects help you communicate and share files with team members for specific project details and tasks.
Note: Discussions are available in Social Calendar, Content Calendar, and Marketing Suite.
Note: Only get alerts for what is important to you by Managing Notification Preferences.

Add or Reply to Project Discussions

Discussions are located on the right side of projects. To start a new discussion, Add a discussion then click Start Discussion. To reply to a discussion, click Reply. To react to a discussion or reply, click . To start a new discussion, click Start a New Discussion. To edit a discussion or reply, click . To delete, click X. Back To Top
Discussions Inside Social Messages Use discussions to comment, leave feedback, or approve social messages on your calendar or social campaign. To add a discussion, click Start Discussion on a published or scheduled social message. Leave comments or feedback by typing in Add a Reply or react  to any discussion. On standalone messages, the message creator will receive a notification. In a social campaign, anyone added as a contributor to the campaign will receive a notification. Unviewed social message discussions will have an Orange speech bubble. Any previously viewed social message discussions will have a Grey speech bubble. Back To Top

Discussions Inside of Tasks

Add discussions to every task. To create a discussion for a task, open the Advanced Options for the task. Any activity inside of a task will show up inside of the discussions section. Discussions connected to tasks will alert anyone assigned or mentioned inside of the task. Inside the project or dashboard task list, you will be able to view new comments connected to a task. Unviewed task discussions will have an Orange speech bubble. Any previously viewed task discussions will have a Grey speech bubble Back To Top

Mention Team Members

To mention any of your team members, type then select their name. After adding a discussion, anyone that is contributing to the project will receive a notification. See who is notified by hovering over . Back To Top

Add Attachment to Discussion

To add an attachment in a discussion, select  and then select the correct attachment. The maximum file size for discussion attachments is 100 MB. Back To Top

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