How To Get Bigger Results From Email Marketing With Kim Courvoisier From Campaign Monitor [ACM 017]

- Information about Campaign Monitor and what Kim does there.
- Some great email list-building tactics that you can put into practice, what to focus on first, and why email blasts are a thing of the past.
- How to boost the chances that your target audience will open your emails and make a great first impression with your subject lines.
- Why personalized content and videos are important when your goal is to generate more clicks.
- An example of what the workflow looks like when creating email campaigns and how to keep your team organized as you carry it out.
How To Get Bigger Results From Email Marketing With Kim Courvoisier From Campaign Monitor
Click To Tweet- “Marketers are really more focused on the quality of the [email] list... so they can send more personal and relevant emails.”
- “People buy from people.”
- “When it comes to growing an email list, you have to have a good relationship.”
Nathan: Email is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. The question is how can we do email marketing just better? That’s why you and I are picking ’s brain today. Kim is the director of Content Marketing and Social Media at Campaign Monitor. Kim has years of experience optimizing email marketing campaigns and today on the Actionable Content Marketing podcast, you are going to learn how to build traffic that drives profitable customer action with her advice. I’m Nathan from CoSchedule and I’m pretty pumped about this episode. Let’s learn how to get more email opens, clicks and conversions with Kim. Hey Kim, thanks a lot for being on the podcast today. Kim: Thanks for having me. Nathan: Kim, could you help us get started by just filling me in on Campaign Monitor and what you do there. Kim: Sure, I’d love to. Campaign Monitor is email marketing automation for growth obsessed companies. We have 2 million customers and over 140,000 companies globally that use Campaign Monitor to grow their business. That includes brands like Vice Media, Unicef New Zealand and Rip Curl. When you want to grow your business, acquire new customers, launch new product, offer promotion, you turn to email because email delivers better than any other channel. In fact, email’s 40 times more effective at acquiring a new customer than Facebook or Twitter. The reason I’m obsessed for growth obsessed brands to use email is that it delivers the best ROI. In fact, I’ve been in email marketing for over eight years and I’ve actually seen the ROI number climb from $38 for every $1 spent to $44 this year. Nathan: Wow. I can say too you can have another one to the list, CoSchedule is a Campaign Monitor customer. We’re pretty excited to be chatting with you today. Kim: Definitely. I’m the director of Content Marketing and Social Media here which in a nutshell means I own content, social media strategy production and promotion and with that comes management of the editorial calendar which is in CoSchedule. The writing and social team and editing and promoting all the things. My role sits on our demand gen team. It’s directly tied to driving organic traffic back to our site as well as sign ups and customers. Content’s really tied to the full marketing funnel here at Campaign Monitor. Nathan: Your background there makes you a really great fit for our topic today. I really wanted to talk to you about building an email list, generating traffic, some elements around converting that traffic from email. To start at the very beginning, Kim, could you explain to me what are some of the best email list building tactics you seen? Kim: Absolutely. I’d love to. Topic near and dear to my heart. What I would also preface this with is that with your email list, the focus used to be on just getting the biggest list possible. You want this massive list to send to and people would send a one size fits all email to their entire list. What we’ve seen to the evolution of email marketing now is that marketers are really more focused on the quality of that list and feeding quality data into that list so that they can send more personalized and relevant emails to different segments of their list.