How To Work With Designers With Authentic Advice From CoSchedule’s Designer

How To Work With Designers With Authentic Advice From CoSchedule's Designer via @ashtonwirrenga
Click To Tweet1. Communicate Early On
The earlier, the better. Your designer wants to know exactly which problem you’re trying to solve so they can lend their expertise to solving it. But without communication right away, they may end up solving a totally different problem, or not solving anything you'd really like them to work on at all. The best thing to do is to set up an initial discussion to cover these three points:- What's the problem? Focus on what the problem is rather than how you want the solution to look. Like any project, there are probably ten different solutions, but it's a matter of picking the one perfect for you. Designers are trained to think through each possibility and find the one that fits your need. Then, and only then, can you start discussing the physical appearance.
- What are your goals and expectations? Instead of talking about how you’d like the solution to look, talk about your goals and expectations instead. What would you like the solution to do for your customers? Maybe you’re trying to increase a certain metric. At CoSchedule, we have three specific goals (growing traffic, email subscribers, and our users), and so we focus each and every design on accomplishing them.
- What are the guidelines? While designers may dream all the way to the moon with possibilities, it's key to know what our guidelines and criteria are for the project. Is there a budget? What about a deadline? Who’s the project lead? Go over all of the details associated with the project itself so your designer delivers the chosen solution at the price and time you’d like. Remember, though, that while guidelines are completely necessary when it comes to the logistics, it's important to leave creative areas open for your designer to explore. Help your designer challenge the status quo and create something better than you’ve ever seen before.

Help designers challenge the status quo to create something better than you’ve ever seen. #design
Click To Tweet2. Tell Us Your Ideas

Working with designers? Share your ideas, then empower their creativity to come to life. #design
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3. Understand What We Value
If you’re a writer or editor, you probably care about SEO, grammar styles, and overall tone of voice. If you’re a marketer, you probably value metrics, goals, and how to better reach your audience. Both these roles are incredibly valuable, but it's important to note that designers have their own area of interest. Designers value the experience your user goes through when they see your product. Sure, the text they read or the amount of traffic the site gets is important, but overall, we value and care primarily about the user's experience.Designers value the experience your user goes through when they see your product. #design
You're data-driven. Designers are data-influenced. How To Work With Designers #design
Click To Tweet4. Care About The Details
So now that you’ve had the initial conversation about what the problem is, you’ve presented your ideas, and know a little more about what your designer values, it’s time to talk design. What I love most about design, is how it can directly impact the user’s experience in a way that influences the user to act. What the end goal is up to you, but every designer has a few different visual tools they use in order to accomplish this: Color, typography, hierarchy, imagery, etc. This is our bread and butter! We live and breathe color schemes, the differences between Helvetica and Ariel, and just how to order items on a page. These terms will definitely come up in conversation, so if you’d like a better understanding of a designer’s toolset, check this out.
#Design isn't making things pretty. It's theory and psychology that creates lasting experiences.
Click To Tweet5. Trust Us
If I’m being completely honest, there’s nothing worse than working with a client who doesn’t trust my design decisions. First, in order to avoid this from happening, make sure the relationship is a good fit from the beginning, and then once it is, please trust your designer. Let your designer take risks, give them space to do their thing, and encourage their creative freedom.Trust your designer to take risks with #creative freedom to bring life to your project.
Click To Tweet6. Feedback Is Welcome

#Design isn’t like a vending machine where the snack immediately falls into your hands.
Click To Tweet- It’s a process. A design solution isn’t like a vending machine where you put in a quarter and the snack immediately falls into your hands. Design is a step-by-step process that takes time, thought, and skill. Understand that your designer may be needing feedback at stage one long before anything is finalized. At this stage, the design is far from perfect and might still need direction.
- Be honest, but nice. There’s really no value in feedback unless it's coming from an honest mind. However, please remember to be nice. Even if the design is completely opposite of what you expected, there’s a proper way to go about discussing why your designer made their decision, and how to go about fixing it.
- Listen. Let your designer explain their thought process before you jump in. What may seem completely awful at first glance might actually make sense after you hear the designer’s reasoning for that particular design decision. Listening to the designer shows them respect and gives time for stylistic preferences to be shed while design thinking comes to light.
- Tell us why. In the review process, tell us why you don’t like it or why it looks weird. Don’t just express personal preference. Design elements such as color, typefaces, and imagery often have preconceived experiences for each person, and so not only is it important to remember that we aren’t designing for yourself, but rather the user, it's also key to know why that preference exists. It may not apply to the design at hand.
Designers don't design for their editors, they #design for the user.
Click To Tweet7. Give Credit
A thank you here and there never hurt anyone, and the same is applicable to working with your designer. Designers are often the mystical, misunderstood role on the team, so affirming their role not only encourages them, but increases their own confidence in their design process. When confidence is there, the possibilities are endless, making the solution even better. Encourage them, say thank you, and it’ll go a long way.So, Are You Ready To Work With A Designer?
Working with designers ultimately comes down to being on the same page. While you may speak a different language and care about different things, there are ways to communicate throughout the design process that will help you both give your best to the final outcome. Encourage your designer, let them to do their thing, create a space for feedback, and then give them credit once it’s all said and done. Designers love working with non-designers! Let’s make something great together.Bonus: What NOT To Say To A Designer...

- Can you make this pretty for me? Design is about function, not just appearance.
- Can you make this for my presentation later today? Effective design takes time, don’t force us to design poorly.
- Can you make it look like this? Designers have no interest in copying something. Plus, it's illegal.
- Can you photoshop it? Designer’s aren’t just another creative tool, we’re actually interested in solving the problem at hand.
- Can you make it pop? Making it pop means nothing to us. Explain WHY you don’t like it please.
- I’ll know it when I see it. Designers need a specific problem to solve. We aren’t mind readers.
How To Work With Designers To Publish The Best Content Ever
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