CoSchedule Marketing Calendar
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Author Of Popular Blog Uses Marketing Calendar to Organize Her Many Projects

Hilary De Freitas is a digital marketing consultant who shares her expertise through her blog and YouTube page. Hilary uses CoSchedule Marketing Calendar to coordinate her social media and organize her many projects. In this video, you will see some of Hilary’s favorite features and how she uses them.
  • Social Media Automation
  • Integrations
  • Viewing Options

Automated Social Media Presence With ReQueue

Hilary’s favorite feature of the Marketing Calendar is ReQueue because it saves her time from having to post on social media manually. ReQueue continuously drives traffic from social media to her best-performing blog posts and automatically publishes repeating social media promotions. Features of ReQueue:
  • Content Regeneration: ReQueue posts content when she has nothing scheduled to post that day. This automation fills in the gaps in case she forgets or cannot post that day.
  • Scheduling: Hilary can set the timeframe for when she wants ReQueue to post content.
  • Content Control: Hilary can set how many messages she wants to publish daily based on the account.
Hilary De Freitas requeue for social media content Source If ReQueue was the only thing the Marketing Calendar offered, then I would still happily pay for it.

Seamlessly Compatible With Other Applications

CoSchedule Marketing Calendar integrates with some of the most popular content management systems so that Hilary can plan, schedule, draft, publish, and promote her blog posts in one place. As a blogger, her favorite integration is WordPress. Hilary can access WordPress on the same page as the Marketing Calendar. This eliminates the need to switch tabs constantly.

Easily Customizable Viewing Options

The customizable viewing options within the Marketing Calendar are valuable to people who want specific workspaces to be separate. Hilary manages multiple blogs and websites, so she finds it convenient to customize the calendar view. Here are some ways she customizes her Marketing Calendar:
  • Color Labels: Hilary uses color labels to differentiate what type of project, task, or social post it is. She loves that she’s able to color code certain projects or tasks based on their category.
  • Saved Calendar Views: Hilary creates multiple views within the Marketing Calendar, which she can access quickly to get a simplified view of tasks and projects.
As you can see below, Hilary can switch from seeing everything to only seeing projects and tasks related to her blog, simplifying her view. You can switch the view in the marketing calendar to simplify the content you see Hilary's new view of her marketing calendar after changing the view selection
That’s what I love about it. You can see, at a glance, what is being done and what is not being done.
Finally, you can see, schedule, & share all of your marketing in one place. Sign up for CoSchedule’s Free Marketing Calendar here. For more tips, ideas, and examples for using CoSchedule’s Marketing Calendar, check out our library of User Guides &  Power Tips.
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