Why Process To Inspire (Not Control) Is Key To Success With Agnes Józwiak From ClickMeeting [AMP 153]

- ClickMeeting: Browser-based Webinar platform for online events, courses, product demos, sales presentations, and meetings via video conferencing
- Platform full of features for Webinar process, from promotion through analyzing
- ClickMeeting: Customer feedback built and shaped tool to meet needs and goals
- Documenting Do’s and Don’ts: Processes should make people’s lives easier
- Blog Posts: Create in-depth content to repurpose and provide value to get results
- All About Automation: Educate people on how to automate processes to make their businesses run smoothly
- Happy Marketing Team, Happy Customers: Make decisions together based on results and trust your experts
- ClickMeeting
- Quora
- Taboola
- 10X Marketing Formula by Garrett Moon
- Agile Marketing Guide
- The Marketing Management + Strategy Statistics You Need to Know in 2019
- How To Create A Marketing Strategy That Will Skyrocket Your Results By 9,360%
- CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer
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- “Each new customer was a new insight of what else can we do in the platform to improve it, to give our customers what they really need to meet their goals.”
- “Choose the best activities to help you achieve those goals, and check out those who don’t bring any results.”
- “Great content is a never-ending story. You can repurpose it in many, many ways.”
- “Processes and documents have to serve people, and they have to help people.”
Why Process To Inspire (Not Control) Is Key To Success With Agnes Józwiak From @clickmeeting
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Nathan: Garrett Moon, our CEO here at CoSchedule, published a book recently. You know what we hear the most feedback on from that book? It’s that you don’t need to write your marketing plan. Don’t get me wrong. At first, it seems like crazy advice and it’s especially crazy considering CoSchedule state of marketing strategy and management report recently found that marketers who document their strategy are 313% more likely to report success than those marketers who don’t document their strategy. That said, what Garrett is really getting at is that humans like to make a plan and stick to the plan. We can always point to that plan and say things like, “See? We’re executing the plan.” But what plans don’t allow for is agility to change based on what you know works and of course, what isn’t working. In reality, that plan is just a big guess. Instead of writing your 50-something page marketing plan, Garrett says to seriously develop a marketing strategy. A lot of his advice is around processes to generate real results. The book is called The 10x Marketing Formula. You can pick it up right now on Amazon if you want, but what I’m really getting at here is that what marketing is about, is really about generating results, not activity, and Agnes Józwiak is a very good example of this framework in action. Agnes is the Brand and Communication Director at ClickMeeting. She and her team focus on process to empower her team to make strategic decisions, review what they’ve already done, and iterate faster to produce bigger results. In the end, it’s about process to empower not process just to have process. If shredding your marketing plan sounds like terrible advice now, let’s listen in to Agnes and let me know what you think. I’m Nathan from CoSchedule and it’s time to get AMPed. Hey Agnes, thank you so much for being on the show today. Agnes: Hi, Nathan. Thank you for having me. Nathan: Tell me a little bit about ClickMeeting and what you do there. Agnes: ClickMeeting is a browser-based webinar platform. We’d like to think about our platform that serves several purposes. People using ClickMeeting and looking for a specific tool like a webinar platform, can organize several different types of online events, be it online courses, product demos, sales presentations, and also like a collaboration business meetings. All in all, it comes to video conferencing. It’s a platform that has plenty of features and we normally say when people are looking for a set of different platforms, they always compare tools that platform offers. This year, we took a little bit of a different approach to show people not only what tools you have within the platform itself that enables you have [...] nice, run, and follow up after the webinar made on the class, but also what is the moment and what are the best tools to use during the webinar process from set up promotion through analyzing and reporting to help you achieve your goals. If you’re running a sales demo, sales presentation, what features and what process you need to put in action to actually work for you? My role here was different over the years because I’ve been with the platform for pretty much from the beginning, so about nine years now. When we were starting, I remember the times when we had 11 customers, building and shaping the tool based on the actual feedback from the customers. We still do this, we improve the platform based on the customer’s feedback we gathered all the time. Coming different ways, trying different tactics, being a sales person and account manager, person who does marketing. At this point, I am a Brand and Communication Director for ClickMeeting, managing a great team of nine people. This is where we are at now. Nathan: I can tell you I can relate to being there at the beginning. Eleven customers, I bet that was a pretty fun time, huh? Agnes: It was fun because you could talk to them all. At some point you miss those times because every single customer was a success, which is right now as well, but each new customer was a new insight of what else can you do in the platform to improve it, to give our customers what they really need to meet their goals, and do the actual webinar growth.