Automate Repeating Promotions On A Set Schedule
- Why should you automate social messages on a set schedule using ReQueue
- Step 1: Create a Placeholder Group
- Step 2: Add messages to Placeholder Groups
- Step 3: Review your Placeholders to round out your social schedule
In the previous implementation chapter, you learned how to set up ReQueue to promote your best evergreen blog posts.
But what if you could automate your recurring promotions, too?
In this Implementation Chapter, you’ll learn how to use Placeholder Groups to have more control over your publishing dates & times using ReQueue.
What is this lesson?
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to create & set up Placeholder Groups in ReQueue to automate your repeating social media promotions, like Taco Tuesday or Motivation Monday.
Who is this guide for?
Marketers who are responsible for creating, publishing, and managing social media profiles.
Why you should automate social messages on a set schedule using ReQueue
Create Placeholder Groups to put your repeating promotions on autopilot. You can publish recurring messages at the frequency you want (daily, weekly, or monthly).
ReQueue will publish these messages consistently for you, so you don’t have to worry if that promotion went out even when things get busy or you’re out of the office.
Not sure what social media promotions you would add to a Placeholder Group?

Think about what repeating promotions you currently publish manually every day, week, or month.
Have something in mind? Let’s build your first Placeholder Group to automate these promotions for you!
Step 1: Create A Placeholder Group
To get started creating a ReQueue Placeholder Group, Click the “+ New Group” button in the top left-hand on your ReQueue page. Then choose the “Placeholder Group” option on the pop-up.

Give your group a name. Ideally, this would be the name of your recurring promotion (Taco Tuesday, for example).
Then choose the day and time you want your messages from this group to publish. In this example, you’ll choose every Tuesday at 8:00 AM.

If you have repeating promotions that are only available for a limited time, you can define start & end times for your Placeholder Groups.
ReQueue will stop publishing social messages from this group for you on the end date.

We recommend setting start & end dates when creating Placeholder Groups for limited-time promotions like summer recipes, winter classes, holiday sales, or other seasonal promotions.
Step 2: Add messages to Placeholder Groups
Now that you’ve created your group, it’s time to add messages.
Start adding new messages directly to this group by clicking the “New ReQueue Message” button.

We recommend adding at least 12 new messages to this folder to start. This will give you 3 months of recurring content if you’re sharing messages from this group once per week.

Here are 12 motivational quotes you can copy/paste directly into your #MondayMotivation ReQueue Group:
- “Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much Of Today.”-Will Rogers
- “If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.” -Steve Jobs
- “Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough.” – Og Mandino
- “We Generate Fears While We Sit. We Overcome Them By Action.”-Dr. Henry Link
- “Whether You Think You Can Or Think You Can’t, You’re Right.” -Henry Ford
- “Do What You Can With All You Have, Wherever You Are.” -Theodore Roosevelt
- “To See What Is Right And Not Do It Is A Lack Of Courage.”-Confucius
- “A Clear Vision, Backed By Definite Plans, Gives You A Tremendous Feeling Of Confidence And Personal Power.” -Brian Tracy
- “If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.”
- “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
- “What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” -Oscar Wilde
- “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” -Robert Collier
Here’s a list of more recurring content themes & ideas you can build your ReQueue groups around.

Get more details & inspiration in our ReQueue Power Tips.
Step 3: Review your Placeholders to round out your social schedule
If you create multiple Placeholder Groups, you can quickly review how these messages will overlap by clicking “Show all groups.”

Make tweaks to your repeating promotions social schedule as you continue to build out new ReQueue groups.
From this view, you can update the sending time & frequency on any Placeholder Group if you need to adjust your schedule.
For example, if you have two messages set to send on the same day on the same social profile, you can make sure the send times aren’t too close together.

If you have a promotion you want to discontinue, you can easily archive any Placeholder Group to stop sending messages from this group.
When you archive a group, you can always unarchive it & promote it again any time by clicking “Unarchive.”

Then toggle the group back to “Sending” to ensure messages continue sending from this group.