
Written text primarily used in marketing to inform, persuade, or entertain an audience. A person who writes this text is known as a copywriter. 

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Copy is a specific type of content. Marketing copy is a useful tool that helps marketers and copywriters for a business educate customers and provides resources & details to create awareness of the products and services they offer.This infographic from Brafton explains the difference between content and copy:

Different types of marketing copy include:

  • Long-form: Articles, blogs or other written copy that are more than 1,000 words. 
  • Short-form: Articles, blogs or other written copy that are between 500 and 800 words.
  • Social media: Posts on social media networks for the purpose of selling or promoting a product or service. These posts are often shorter and are accompanied by images.
  • Technical: Copy focused on product or service features. This includes customer support by user guides, instructions, and onboarding.
  • Web content: Copy that appears on websites. This could include staff bios, company history, and product information. 
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