Build Professional, Easy-To-Understand Social Media Reports For Clients
Getting Started With CoSchedule For Agencies & Freelancers

Build Professional, Easy-To-Understand Social Media Reports For Clients

Chapter 6: Build Professional, Easy-To-Understand Social Media Reports For Clients  In This Lesson:

Introduction To Social Analytics Reports

Without a reporting tool, creating social media reports for clients can be very manual & time-consuming. With the Social Analytics Reports in CoSchedule Marketing Calendar & Marketing Suite, you can create reports for social campaigns & specific social profiles that are easy for your client to understand.  What is this guide? This guide shows you how to take advantage of Social Analytics Reports to save you time creating social media reports for your clients.   Who is this guide for? Marketing Agencies & Freelancers who want to create & share custom social media reports for their clients. 

Create Social Media Reports Using Social Analytics

CoSchedule Marketing Calendar & Marketing Suite feature a series of social media reports you can create & share with your clients.  First, you’ll want to choose the report that is the right fit for your social media clients.  There are various reports available for you to use including:
  • Social Engagement Report
  • Social Campaign Report
  • Social Profile Report

Social Engagement Report

This report is specifically designed to allow users to get a high-level overview of your entire social strategy. You can use Social Engagement Reports to:
  • Identify top-performing messages
  • Download and share reports with stakeholders
  • Visualize trends across your social channels
  • Compare how different channels are performing
This report works well for retainer clients where you (or your team) manage their entire social media strategy.  You customize this report by using different filters for specific social profiles, Project Types, and Color Labels to help you narrow down social media engagement & performance metrics for specific initiatives, stakeholders, or clients.

Social Campaign Report

This report can be used for measuring the success of specific campaigns and initiatives. You can filter by project or social campaign so you can report for your client’s specific social campaign. This report works well for running reports for a client’s specific social media campaign. This could include a campaign for a product launch, webinar, event, PR announcements, and more. 

Social Profile Report

Social Profile Reports help you analyze each of your client’s social profiles for key information to improve their strategy.  This includes the best times & days to post, as well as which message types (link, video, text, etc.) perform best on those specific profiles.  You can create a report per profile by choosing your client’s social profile when you generate the reports. This will also help you maximize views and traffic when you post! This report is great for sharing high-level findings for each platform including when your client’s current audience is most active & what types of content they engage with most. 

Bonus Tip: Export PDF of Reports For Your Clients

Creating & sharing these reports with your clients is simple.  You can export any of these reports as a PDF for easy sharing. To export a report, open the report you want to export and click “Share” in the top right-hand corner. You can then choose to export it as a PDF, CSV, or schedule a report. Scheduling a report allows you to send a PDF of the report via email to your client. This can be sent weekly, monthly, or quarterly. 

Save Custom Social Reports For Each Client

When you create a custom report, add it to a list of Saved Reports to re-run it each month, quarter, or any time you need it.   You can access your Saved Social Analytics Reports by going to “Analytics Dashboard”, then choosing the report you want to view. Now these reports are readily available whenever you (or your client) want to check-in on progress & performance.