White Label

CoSchedule's White Label feature allows you to customize your reports and read-only calendars with a different logo for each client.
Note: White Label is not available in Free or Social Calendar.

Enable White Label

  1. Open your calendar and click to open Settingse
  2. Under Settings, click Power Ups
  3. Click Enable White Label on the White Label tile

Create and Manage Clients

  1. From your calendar, click to open Settings, then navigate to the White Label section under Power Ups
  2. Under the Clients, click Add New Client
  3. Upload your client's logo and enter your client's name
  4. Each client you add will appear under the Clients tab of your White Label settings
  5. To edit or delete a client, hover over the client and click the ellipsis menu

Assign Clients to Read-Only Items

The Customized Branding section will display all Read-only calendars, marketing campaigns, projects, and social campaigns.
  1. From your calendar, click to open Settings, then navigate to the White Label section under Power Ups
  2. Under Customized Branding, hover over the item within the Read-Only section and click the pencil icon
  3. Select the client and click Save
  4. To open any Read-Only item, click the share icon. Your client's logo will be displayed in the top-left-hand corner when you share a read-only calendar or content item.

Assign Clients to Saved Reports

The Reports section will display all saved shareable analytics reports.
  1. From your calendar, click to open Settings, then navigate to the White Label section under Power Ups
  2. Under Customized Branding, hover over the item within the Reports section and click the pencil icon
  3. Select the client and click Save
  4. To download any report, click the download icon. Your client's name and logo will be displayed on the cover page of the report.

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