Manage Notification Preferences

You have control of your calendar notifications for In-App, Email, and Browser. Choose specific calendar activities to be notified of as they occur or choose to not receive notifications for them.

Types of Activity Notifications


  • The status of a project or post changes
  • I am added as a contributor to a project
  • I am assigned as the owner of a project


  • A task is assigned to me
  • Someone completes my task or a task that I have assigned
  • My task due date changed
  • My task is due tomorrow


  • A new comment is made on an item I am contributing to
  • Someone mentions me in a comment
  • Someone reacted to my comment

Social Messages

  • There was a problem with your social message (Owner, Manager, and Admin users will receive a notification if a social message failed to publish.)

Weekly Digest

  • Receive a weekly digest of my activity

Request Forms

  • Notify me when a request form that I have been added as a notifier on has been submitted. (This notification is only an option in Marketing Suite)

Additional Notifications

  • Social Profile Re-Authentication notifications are automatic and can not be managed in Notifications settings. Owner, Manager, and Admin users will receive a notification if a social profile that is connected to your calendar needs to be re-authenticated.
  • Paused Social Sending notifications are automatic and can not be managed in Notifications settings. If you have social messages paused you will receive a daily email notification until sending is resumed.
Note: Managing push notifications for mobile will be handled inside of the mobile app.
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How to Manage Notifications

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select the Account tab
  3. Select the notifications you'd like to receive
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Customize Browser Notifications

Turning on browser notifications will allow you to be alerted about new activity on your calendar even when you are not viewing your calendar.
  1. Choose which notifications you would like to be alerted for under the Browser column.
  2. Once you select a notification, you will receive an alert at the top of the notifications page.
  3. Click Enable Browser Notifications.
  4. You will receive an alert from your browser, click Allow to allow CoSchedule to send browser notifications.
  5. Depending on your browser, managing notifications may look different. More information can be found below.
Note: Notifications will only be pushed if CoSchedule is open in a window or tab.
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Learn More

Make Yourself at Home: Customizing Your Notification Preferences Edit Profile Settings