Bitly with CoSchedule

Integrating with Bitly allows you to easily shorten URLs published through CoSchedule. When enabled, CoSchedule will send links entered into Social Messages off to before posting, replacing the link entered initially in the message with the new link.
Note: Bitly does not create short links for Instagram, LinkedIn, Mastodon, Pinterest, or Threads.

Enable Bitly

  1. Open Settings
  2. From the Settings tab, click Integrations in the left-side menu
  3. Locate Bitly, then click Enable
  4. Click Connect Bitly and follow the prompted steps
Note: If you have Google Analytics enabled, Bitly may create multiple short links for the same URL. This is because different UTM parameters are added to the base URL to make the overall URL different.
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Disabling Bitly on Individual Social Messages

If Bitly is enabled, click the ellipsis menu at the bottom of any Social Message and select Disable Bitly. This will keep Bitly enabled in your calendar, but disable it for that individual Social Message. Back to Top

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add a new bitly link or change the link CoSchedule uses?

That needs to be done through Bitly. When you have Bitly enabled in your calendar, CoSchedule grabs the link that Bitly gives us based on your settings within your Bitly account.

Do custom branded short links work with CoSchedule?

Yes! If you have custom branded Bitly short links you will need to set the branded Bitlink (in Bitly) as the default link.

Why can't I see my custom branded shortlink when I preview my message?

Because we don't have access to your bitly link until your message publishes, when you preview a scheduled message we will show the generic link.

What happens if a shortened link is used when is enabled?

Usually, the link will return a 404. The best practice is to either disable or use a non-shortened link.

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