What Are the Best Image, Video, and GIF Sizes for Social Messages?
We recommend the following sizes for media to have your social messages look their best when posted to the various social platforms.
- Format: JPEG, JPG, or PNG
- Size: must be under 1MB
- Not supported.
- Not supported.
- Facebook images look best when they are 720px, 960px, or 2048px wide.
- Facebook images must be less than 4MB.
- For the most updated image pixel requirements visit this article.
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9 to 9:16
- 5 seconds minimum and 240 minutes max video length
- For the most updated video specifications, see this article.
- Must be mp4 format uploaded as video (if uploaded as .gif it will be converted to .jpeg when published)
- Must be smaller than 4GB
Google Business Profile
- Single image only
- Format: JPEG, JPG, or PNG
- Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB
- Recommended resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide
- Minimum resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide
- Maximum resolution: 10,000 px tall, 10,000 px wide
- Not supported.
- Not supported.
- Instagram images look best when they are at least 1080px wide with an aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5. For stories, make sure images are 1080 x 1920 or 9:16 aspect ratio.
- Maximum file size: 8MB.
- Minimum width: 320
- Maximum width: 1440
- Format: .mov or .mp4 (MPEG-4 Part 14), no edit lists, mov atom at the front of the file.
- Frame rate: 23 to 60
- The minimum resolution should be 720 pixels.
- Feed - 15 minutes or up to 1GB in size - Dimensions: 1920 x 1080p, 1080 x 1350p , 1080 x 1080p (max) - Landscape Aspect Ratio: 1.9:1 - Potrait Aspect Ratio: 1:1 - Vertical Aspect Ratio: 4:5 or 9:16
- Reels - 15 minutes or up to 1GB in size - Dimensions: 1080 x 1920 pixels (max) - Full-Screen Aspect Ratio: 9:16 - Feed Aspect Ratio: 4:5
- Stories - 60 seconds or 100MB
- Instagram does not support .gif files. You need to convert the file into a .mp4 video file.
- Images look best when they are 1200px x 627px with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
- Must be less than 5MB.
- CoSchedule supports up to 20 images per LinkedIn post.
- The following formats are supported: ASF, FLV, MPEG-1 and MPEG-4, MKV, WebM, H264/AVC, MP4, VP8 and VP9, and WMV2 and WMV3
- Maximum 30 minutes or 200MB per video.
- Aspect ratio: 1:2.4 or 2.4:1
- Add as an image rather than a video, and only select one profile.
- Up to 250 frames supported
- Pixel limit: 36,152,320
- PNG, JPG, or GIF up to 8MB.
- Images will be downscaled to 1.6 megapixels (enough for a 1280x1280 image).
- Up to 4 images can be attached.
- MP4, M4V, MOV, or WebM up to 40MB. Video will be transcoded to H.264 MP4 with a maximum bitrate of 1300kbps and framerate of 60fps.
- When added as an image, animated GIFs are converted to soundless MP4s like on Imgur/Gfycat (GIFV).
- You can also upload soundless MP4 and WebM as a video, which will be handled the same way.
- Format: JPEG and PNG image types are the officially supported formats for image posts
- File Size: 8 MB maximum
- Aspect Ratio Limit: 10:1
- Up to 20 images per post
- File Size: 1 GB maximum
- MOV or MP4
- Maximum Columns (horizontal pixels): 1920
- Required aspect ratio is between 0.01:1 and 10:1 but Threads recommend 9:16 to avoid cropping or blank space
- Duration: 5 minutes maximum
- Maximum width and height of 1080
- Any image file format (excluding GIF) can be uploaded, but it will be converted to JPEG when published.
- Up to 35 images.
- Supported media formats: MP4 (recommended), WebM, MOV
- Framerate restrictions: Minimum of 23 FPS and maximum of 60 FPS
- Picture size restrictions: Minimum of 360 pixels and maximum of 4096 pixels for both height and width
- Duration restrictions: 10 minutes (note: all TikTok creators can post 3-minute videos, while some have access to post 5-minute or 10-minute videos)
- File size: Maximum of 4GB
- Images look best when they are at least 600px by 335px
- Maximum 5MB file size
- The maximum file size is 512MB
- The video must be less than 140 seconds
- The height:width ratio is 3:1 to 1:3
- CoSchedule currently supports uploading the following video file types for Twitter messages: “.mov”, “.qt”, “.mp4”, “.m4p”, “.m4v”, “.mpeg”, “.mpg”, “.avi”, “.wmv”, “.flv”, “.ogg”, “.ogv”, “.webm”, and “mkv.”
- For the most updated media specifications visit this article
- GIFs must be under 3MB.
- Images look best when they are 1000px x 1500px with an aspect ratio of 2:3.
YouTube Shorts
- 3 minute maximum
- The aspect ratio needs to be 9:16 or 1:1 to qualify as a short (if it is not one of those aspect ratios we will pad the video to fit)