What are Twitter/X Profiles?

What are Twitter/X Profiles and how are they different from Social Profiles?

Twitter/X Profiles are like Social Profiles, but they can only be filled with Twitter/X accounts and must be purchased separately. Twitter/X Profiles are required for all types of Twitter/X accounts (free and paid).

Social Profiles

A number of social profiles will be included in your plan and you have the option to purchase additional social profiles at any time. Social Profile seats can be filled with any type of social account except for Twitter/X.

Twitter Profiles

If you’d like to connect a Twitter/X account with CoSchedule you’ll need to purchase a Twitter/X Profile. Twitter Profile seats can only be filled with Twitter/X accounts.


If your plan includes 5 social profiles and you’d like to connect 3 Facebook pages and 1 Twitter/X account you’ll need to purchase 1 Twitter/X Profile. If your plan includes 5 Social Profiles and you’d like to connect 6 Instagram accounts and 6 Twitter/X accounts you’ll need to purchase 1 Additional Social Profile and 6 Twitter/X Profiles.

Why do you charge separately for Twitter/X profiles?

Twitter/X is currently the only social media platform imposing significant fees on companies like CoSchedule for access to their API (the service that allows us to send your social messages on your behalf). As a result, we have been forced to introduce a separate charge for Twitter/X-related services to cover these new costs. We understand this may be frustrating, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We're hopeful that Twitter/X might reconsider this policy in the future, which would allow us to adjust our pricing accordingly.

When did you make this change?

December 6, 2024.

Are you going to start charging to connect accounts from other social networks?

No. This change was made specifically for Twitter/X as a result of Twitter’s new pricing structure for businesses to access their service.

Does this affect my subscription if I had Twitter accounts connected to my calendar before this change?

No. If you had a Twitter/X account connected to CoSchedule on December 6, 2024 you do not need to purchase Twitter/X Profiles. You will be grandfathered into the ability to fill Social Profiles included with your plan or purchased Additional Social Profiles with Twitter/X accounts.
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