Common issues and frequently asked questions.
- FAQs
- What are Twitter/X Profiles?
- About CoScheduleBot
- Instagram Personal Account Changes
- Facebook Group Announcement
- Frequently Asked Questions about CoSchedule’s Marketing Intelligence Assistant
- Why is my social message not showing the correct link image?
- Creating Social Messages for Old WordPress Posts
- How much storage do you offer and what are file size limits?
- Why do I have to reauthenticate my Facebook or Instagram accounts all the time?
- Why are my Bitly links broken?
- Why Is “CoSchedule App” Showing up on My Facebook Group Posts?
- Why Didn’t My Social Messages Publish?
- Why Didn’t My Messages or Post Go Out? (Draft Status)
- Why Can’t I Connect My Personal Facebook Profile?
- Which Browsers Does CoSchedule Support?
- Where is My WordPress Data Stored?
- What Kind of Support Do You Offer?
- Post Titles are Being Overwritten by Email Address
- If You Change Your WordPress Domain Name or Host
- How to Change the Owner of Your Calendar
- Does CoSchedule Have a Public API?
- Can I use the Grammarly browser extension with CoSchedule?
- Can I Use CoSchedule with Squarespace, Joomla, or Drupal?
- Can I Schedule Repins on Pinterest?
- Can I Print a Copy of My Calendar?
- Can CoSchedule Publish to LinkedIn Groups?
- Can CoSchedule Publish Facebook Events?
- What Are the Best Image, Video, and GIF Sizes for Social Messages?
- Why are URLs not being posted in the content of my Link-Type Messages?
- How to Add Emojis
- WordPress Issues
- Use CoSchedule with the iThemes Security Plugin
- Use CoSchedule When Your Website Has Restricted Access (Firewall)
- Problem with your server’s timestamp
- CoSchedule WordPress Plugin Conflicts
- How to Deactivate and Reactivate the CoSchedule WordPress Plugin
- Could Not Reach WordPress Admin
- How to Change Your WordPress Timezone
- Social Network Issues
- Error Messages
- No More Types and Pinterest Has Rejected This Request
- Pinterest denied publishing social message because limit was reached
- We had trouble sending the photo(s) which are attached to this message
- Video is still being processed
- There were no images attached to this message or the images are still being processed
- The user must be an Admin of the Page in order to impersonate it (Facebook)
- The service responded in an unexpected way and may prevent publication of this message.
- Invalid File Type
- Facebook reported it couldn’t accept your message because it is experiencing unexpected downtime
- Facebook noticed some irregularities with the image associated with this message
- Facebook encountered an error because your message contains a missing or invalid image
- Facebook does not allow you to share Facebook event links with their API
- Facebook denied CoSchedule’s request to send this message for this user
- Facebook blocked this message from being sent
- Facebook Open Graph data did not match the message