Product Announcements
Marketing Campaigns: Now Available In CoSchedule Mobile App
June 19, 2020
Managing your marketing campaigns is easier (and more flexible) than ever before! Marketing campaigns are now available on mobile.
Review important marketing campaigns on-the-go.
View any marketing campaign scheduled in CoSchedule for real-time updates on your team's progress & plans.Add tasks to keep work moving forward.
Think of a new to-do while you're out of the office? Add a new task to any marketing campaign from the mobile app.Create social messages to promote your campaign.
Add new social messages to promote your marketing campaign.Reschedule entire campaigns in seconds.
Update your marketing campaign start date to shift project timelines. Projects, tasks, and social messages will reschedule based on your new start date. To use the mobile app, download on the App Store. Or get it on Google Play. **Marketing Campaigns are only available in Marketing Suite Plans.Available in: Marketing Suite