Product Announcements
CoSchedule’s AI Assistant Now Has Web Access To Deliver Real-Time Results
November 7, 2023

- Find the latest surveys around {topic}. Include links to sources.
- List the main ideas from this blog post {link}.
- Find new stats about {topic} to add to a blog post for {target audience}. Provide the sources in the results.
- Create a list of the top 5 posts about {keyword} on Google. Include links to results.
- Compare {topic/product/company} and {topic/product/company}.
- Write a summary of this blog post {link}.
- Summarize the ideas in the top 5 blog posts around the keyword {keyword}.
- Compare and summarize the differences between {product/company 1} and {product/company 2}.
- Repurpose this blog post as a newsletter {link}.
- Write social messages for this blog post {link}.
- Create 5 Facebook ad copy options to promote this product page {link}.
- Find content gaps in this article {link}. It targets the keyword {keyword}.
- Create a table of the top competitors for {topic} and the URLs to these sites.
- Create a list of 5 SEO keywords related to the following blog post {link}.
- Write 10 SEO keywords related to {topic}.

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