Product Announcements

Recurring Tasks & Events: Add Them To Your Calendar Days, Weeks, Or Even Months In Advance

January 5, 2021

If you have any events or tasks that you complete on a recurring basis, this update is just for you!  Now you can customize exactly how far in advance you want to add recurring events or standalone tasks to your Marketing Calendar.   Take a look at your recurring tasks and events list: 
  • Do you create a weekly report for your boss? 
  • Do you need to remember to enter your time card at the end of the week? 
  • Do you have a weekly strategy meeting to prep for every week? 
  • Do you attend your sales team’s monthly meeting? 
Choose how far in the future you’d like these events or tasks to automatically appear on your calendar. This gives you better visibility of your upcoming work and future bandwidth to take on new tasks.  Have questions about recurring tasks or events? Contact our support team at for help.  Or check out our Help Docs on creating events and tasks for more info.

Available in: Marketing Calendar