How To Write LinkedIn About Section To Grab Viewers Attention

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Kohl Blotske

Published September 9, 2024
/ Updated September 9, 2024
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Published September 9, 2024
/ Updated September 9, 2024

A LinkedIn about section, also known as a LinkedIn summary, is like a professional elevator pitch, but with a few extra floors to play with.

But how do you make the most of those extra floors?

A LinkedIn about section isn’t one-size-fits-all-all. Sometimes, all you need are examples and tips from other professionals to get the ball rolling.

In this post, we’ll share how you can make your LinkedIn about section stand out and provide 7 professional examples to spark your creativity.

What Is The LinkedIn About Section?


Your LinkedIn profile is like a fishing lure to attract connections.

First, your LinkedIn headline and profile picture reel in your audience; then, the LinkedIn About section hooks them.

If someone finds your headline interesting, they click on your profile to learn more about you.

This gives you the opportunity to expand on the details from your headline to showcase your career achievements, skills, expertise, and goals, all with a personal touch.

Importance Of Your LinkedIn About Section

It’s easy to overlook the LinkedIn About section as an unnecessary step, but in reality, it’s one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile.

What exactly makes it so important? Here are 4 reasons why you need to write an effective LinkedIn about section:

1. Showcases A Strong First Impression

If your goal is finding a new role, your first impression is the difference between getting recruited or passed over for other candidates.

Your LinkedIn About section is that first impression for many recruiters, so it should fully showcase who you are in the most positive way possible.

2. Details Your Personal Brand and Professional Identity

The key to getting more connections is understanding how to market yourself on LinkedIn.

Your LinkedIn About section is the first chance to showcase your brand and professional identityl.

This is your opportunity to tell a personal or professional story in a way that reflects your career aspirations and core values.

3. Enhances Searchability

A well-crafted LinkedIn about section can improve searchability and attract recruiters, potential clients, and professional connections.

The platform scans different parts of a user’s profile including the LinkedIn about section and headline.

If LinkedIn deems your About section and headline relevant to the search, it will allow it to be ranked higher in search results.

4. Opportunities For Personalization

When a user clicks on your LinkedIn profile, they want to know more about who you are.

The LinkedIn About section allows you to separate yourself from others in your field by conveying your personality and unique selling points.

How To Write A LinkedIn About Section

A LinkedIn about section seems easy to create until you get your first case of writer’s block.

What do you say? Do you show your experience? Should you include skills? Can you list your accomplishments?

The truth is, you should include all of these things and more.

Understand Your Audience

First, understand your target audience. After all, how can you write an effective LinkedIn summary if you don’t know who you’re writing for?

There are 4 types of LinkedIn users and each of them has their purpose on the platform.

4 Types Of LinkedIn Users

  • Job seekers
  • Professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Thought leaders

Whoever you are, your LinkedIn about section will be read by either recruiters, peers, or potential clients.

Once you know your target audience, tailor your content to meet their interests and needs.

Create A Strong Introduction That Engages Viewers

Instead of a quick summary like the one on your resume, think of it like an autobiography about your career.

The first part of every good autobiography starts with a head-turning introduction.

Start your introduction with a compelling action word like “driving,” “leading,” or “innovating,” followed by your job title and years of experience. Then, include a pitch or value proposition supported by your skills, personal traits, metrics, or social proof.

Here’s a template of a compelling introduction that you can use in your LinkedIn About section:

Include Eye-Catchers

Your LinkedIn about section allows a maximum of 2,600 characters in length, and you should make full use of it.

However, with all those characters, it’s easy for recruiters to lose track of the important details.

A great way to catch attention is to highlight your text with bold or italicized fonts to make it visually appealing. This helps readers quickly spot key points when skimming.

The only problem is that LinkedIn doesn’t have an option for this. So, use a tool like a Unicode text converter that allows you to bold or italicize words in LinkedIn.

Whether you’re an emoji user or not, you have to admit that emojis can make your achievements stand out on the page.

Emojis in your LinkedIn About section not only helps your content stand out but also separates ideas and showcases your personality.

However, use both emojis and bolded text sparingly. If everything is highlighted, then nothing is highlighted.

Highlight Key Achievements And Skills With Data

Everyone highlights their achievements and skills in their LinkedIn About section, but what truly sets you apart is backing them up with specific, measurable results.

Use percentages, dollar amounts, or other quantifiable metrics alongside your achievements and skills.

For example, instead of just saying “Led a successful project,” you would say “Led a project that increased revenue by 20%.” This adds credibility and helps your achievements stand out.

Incorporate Keywords

LinkedIn is a search engine like Google or YouTube but specifically for job seekers. In these search engines, keywords play the biggest role in getting found in search results.

How do LinkedIn keywords work?

The LinkedIn algorithm looks at the keywords and filters found in the headline and about section in your profile.

When a recruiter searches for specific keywords, LinkedIn matches them with the keywords on thousands of profiles and displays the most relevant ones.

Proofread And Edit

Even if your career doesn’t relate to writing, poor grammar is a major red flag recruiters notice.

Don’t let misspelled words be the reason you don’t get your dream job.

A free tool like Grammarly reviews your writing, highlighting grammatical errors and offering suggestions to refine your wording for better flow.

This tool also comes as a free extension and can fix your grammar mistakes on the spot.

Be Yourself

The best LinkedIn about sections are the ones that instantly connect with the reader. What better way to do this than by showcasing your unique personality?

Recruiters want you to be yourself, so sprinkling your personality can make your LinkedIn about section relatable and memorable.

Bring up 1 or 2 personal interests, values, or unique experiences on topics like food, travel, family, sports, hobbies, or learning.

The trick is to bring up specific details after general interests.

For example, someone who is an avid runner could include this in their LinkedIn About section: “​​A committed marathon runner (I’ve completed three marathons in the last two years!)”.

7 Examples Of Well-Written LinkedIn Summaries

Need some inspiration? Here are 7 LinkedIn about section examples written by professionals that you can take ideas from.

LinkedIn Summary Example Including Metrics And Numbers

This LinkedIn user is a perfect example of how to create a credible LinkedIn about section. He not only highlights his previous work experience and skill sets but he backs it up with quantifiable statistics.

Sometimes it’s difficult to include career accomplishments and awards in the body of your LinkedIn summary. Follow this user’s example, and list your achievements in a separate section at the bottom of your LinkedIn About section.


LinkedIn Summary Example That Uses Emojis Correctly

Emojis make a LinkedIn about section stand out more than anything. But it can be difficult to know where to place them.

This LinkedIn user includes each emoji at the beginning of every new section. Think of it like a bullet point but with a lot more fun.

LinkedIn recruiters appreciate this as it makes your LinkedIn About section easier to read.


LinkedIn Summary Example That Provides A Proposition Value

While recruiters care about skills, experience, and personality, they care most about the value you can provide to their company.

This LinkedIn user clearly states her value proposition by including a “What I Bring to the Table” section.

She then includes 5 areas she excels at in asterisk/bullet points.


LinkedIn Summary Example For Students With No Experience

Whether you’re a student or not, your LinkedIn About section can still be impactful even if you have minimal professional experience.

This LinkedIn user is a college student with no specific job experience in the field he’s studying. So instead he lists his education, volunteer experience, skills, work experience, and career goals.

Even if you don’t have the experience, you can still include anything that might catch a recruiter’s attention.


LinkedIn Summary Example For Student With Skills And Experience

If you’re a student with lots of skills and experience, follow this LinkedIn user’s example.

​​This student makes full use of the 2,600-character limit by listing everything from website links and projects to skills and awards, all organized with clear section headings and emojis.

Remember, the more you include, the more keywords LinkedIn will recognize, increasing your chances of appearing in relevant search results.


LinkedIn Summary Example That Perfectly Highlights Accomplishments

This LinkedIn user clearly states his experience, awards, and accomplishments throughout his LinkedIn About section.

Instead of bullet points, this user listed his accomplishments with stars. This is possible with a tool like a Unicode text converter.


LinkedIn Summary Example With A Funny, Eye-Catching Introduction

An effective LinkedIn About section should always be able to catch the eye of the reader.

Including a fun introduction, such as the one this LinkedIn user includes, gives your audience a glimpse into your unique personality while catching their attention.


LinkedIn About Section Prompts For Every Industry

Have issues coming up with a compelling LinkedIn about section? Try using a free AI-powered tool such as these:

Here are some prompt examples from 5 different industries that you can simply plug in a few relevant words and generate your own personal LinkedIn summary.

Technology Industry

To make your profile stand out in the Tech industry, consider filling in the prompts to highlight:

Job Titles:

Include your current job title. Here are some examples of popular job titles in the technology industry:

  • Software Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Product Manager

Key Details:

Use one of these prompts to include in the key details section:

  • Led the development of a cutting-edge software solution that improved [specific process] by [specific percentage].
  • Successfully managed and completed a high-budget project, resulting in [specific outcome or benefit].
  • Pioneered the implementation of emerging technologies, leading to [specific measurable improvement].


For Tone, we’d recommend one or a combination of the following:

  • Visionary
  • Confident
  •  insightful

Healthcare Industry

Job Titles:

Include your current job title. Here are some examples of popular job titles in the healthcare industry:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Medical Director
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Clinical Research Coordinator

Key Details:

Use one of these prompts to include in the key details section:

  • Implemented a new patient care protocol that increased patient satisfaction scores by [specific percentage].
  • Managed a team of healthcare professionals, leading to a [specific outcome or benefit] in patient outcomes.
  • Spearheaded a research project that resulted in [specific groundbreaking discovery or improvement].


For Tone, we’d recommend one or a combination of the following:

  • Compassionate
  • Knowledgeable
  • Dedicated

Finance Industry

Job Titles:

Include your current job title. Here are some examples of popular job titles in the Finance industry:

  • Financial Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Risk Manager
  • Accountant

Key Details:

Use one of these prompts to include in the key details section:

  • Developed a financial model that forecasted [specific financial outcome], leading to [specific benefit].
  • Streamlined accounting processes, resulting in a [specific percentage] reduction in operational costs.
  • Advised on a high-profile merger, contributing to a successful deal valued at [specific amount].


For Tone, we’d recommend one or a combination of the following:

  • Analytical
  • Strategic
  • Professional

Marketing Industry

Job Titles:

Include your current job title. Here are some examples of popular job titles in the healthcare industry:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Brand Strategist
  • Digital Marketer
  • Content Creator

Key Details:

Use one of these prompts to include in the key details section:

  • Executed a marketing campaign that increased lead generation by [specific percentage] within [specific timeframe].
  • Analyzed market trends to launch a product that resulted in a [specific revenue increase].
  • Enhanced social media engagement by [specific percentage] through innovative content strategies.


For Tone, we’d recommend using one or a combination of the following:

  • Creative
  • Energetic
  • Results-driven

Education Industry

Job Titles:

Include your current job title. Here are some examples of popular job titles in the healthcare industry:

  • Educator
  • Curriculum Developer
  • School Administrator
  • Instructional Designer

Key Details:

Use one of these prompts to include in the key details section:

  • Developed and implemented a new curriculum that improved student test scores by [specific percentage].
  • Led professional development workshops, resulting in [specific improvement] in teaching effectiveness.
  • Managed educational programs that increased student enrollment by [specific percentage].


For Tone, we’d recommend one or a combination of the following:

  • Inspiring
  • Supportive
  • Passionate