Schedule a First Comment

Schedule a first comment to publish along with your social message. When your social message is published, the text you entered into the First Comment field will be published at the same time. This feature can be helpful if you wish to include additional information that may not be ideally displayed within your social message. Learn more below.


The option to add a first comment is available for Facebook pages.
  • Feed and Reels
  • 8000 character limit
  • Hashtags and links are supported
  • @ mentions are not supported


The option to add a first comment is available for Instagram business and creator accounts.
  • Feed and Reels
  • Direct publish only (first comments are not supported when using mobile push notification publishing)
  • 2200 character limit
  • Hashtags and @ mentions are supported


The option to add a first comment is available for LinkedIn pages and profiles.
  • 20,000 character limit
  • Hashtags and links are supported
  • @ mentions are not supported


The option to add a first comment is available for Twitter accounts.
  • 280 character limit
  • Hashtags, links, and @ mentions are supported

Frequently Asked Questions

Are first comments supported in ReQueue?

Yes, first comments are supported in ReQueue.

What happens if my first comment fails to publish?

If the comment fails to post you will see an error with our best explanation of why the comment failed when you open the social message on your calendar. No failure notification will be sent for failed first comments.

What if I want to add a first comment on a social network that's not listed above?

If you would like to add a first comment on a social network that is not yet supported, contact our support team with the feature request at