How To Reschedule A Social Message

There are three easy ways to reschedule a social media message that hasn't been published.
  1. Change The Message's Publish Date & Time, & Change Status To Scheduled
  2. Drag & Drop The Message To A Future Date & Time, & Change Status To Scheduled
  3. Drag & Drop A Social Campaign To A Future Date & Time, & Change Status To Scheduled

Change The Message's Publish Date & Time, & Change Status To Scheduled

Click into a social message from the calendar. Change "Scheduled for" to a future date, and/or change "at" for the time to a future time. Ensure the status is a "Scheduled" status (the color should be white, not yellow).

Drag & Drop The Message To A Future Date & Time, & Change Status To Scheduled

On the calendar, drag the social message from a past date to a future date. As with the prior rescheduling option, modify the "at" for time as you'd desire. Then ensure the status is white for a scheduled status (not yellow).

Special Note: Reschedule Social Campaigns

You can easily reschedule an entire campaign of social messages with the Social Campaign project type. You may drag and drop the project itself on the calendar from a past date to a future date. This will automatically reschedule all social messages based on the campaign's publish date and the associated social schedule attached to that project. When you reschedule the Social Campaign, also make sure the status is a scheduled status for the project (again, white and not yellow). NOTE: If you did not schedule messages relative to the Social Campaign's publish date, you will need to manually reschedule individual messages using one of the two prior message rescheduling options.