Import Historical Social Messages
View and measure your social messages and see them on your calendar, even if they weren’t sent using CoSchedule.
How It Works
- When you add a social profile to your calendar, CoSchedule will bring in historic social messages for that profile and also continuously sync new messages onto your calendar that were posted natively or via other scheduling tools.
- Only your original content posted to the social platform will appear. Shares and retweets will not be imported.
- Once a social profile is connected to your calendar, CoSchedule will import the supported past 60 days worth of messages (or up to 100 past messages).
- Within imported social messages, you will see where the message was originally published. If the message is fully supported, you will be able to see a preview of it and add it to ReQueue.
- If a message is not fully supported by CoSchedule, the message may still be imported, but a preview will not be available and it can not be added to ReQueue.
What Is Supported And What Is Limited
Supported Networks
- Facebook Pages
- Twitter/X
- LinkedIn Company Pages
Facebook Limitations
- Reels and Stories will not be imported.
- Not all attachment types for Facebook are supported. For example, polls, lists, offers, jobs, etc. However, Social Sync will still import these posts for visibility but a preview will not display and ReQueue will be disabled.
- Facebook Ads will not be imported.
- Facebook Activity items currently cannot be reproduced.
- CoSchedule is unable to determine the post type for 'Sell Something' posts.
- CoSchedule is not able to differentiate profile picture updates from regular image posts.
- GIF will be imported as a video.
Twitter/X Limitations
- Be advised that GIFs are imported as videos due to Twitter/X converting .gif files to MP4 files which are played in a loop.
- Twitter/X API does not provide much information for link type posts so CoSchedule will perform an open graph scrape to try and collect the missing information when importing historical social messages. If the original link no longer exists we may not be able to gather this information.
- Twitter/X API restricts us from pulling in messages that may have been Retweeted, including those that have been Retweeted with a comment
Instagram Limitations
- Reels and Stories will not be imported.
- Multi-video carousel type posts and mixed-media carousel type posts (images + videos) are not supported.
LinkedIn Limitations
- LinkedIn Profile posts will not be imported.
- Multi-image posts will not be imported.
- Video posts will be imported but will not include the video.