How to Publish with an Instagram Business or Creator Account

CoSchedule offers options to publish to your Instagram Business or Creator Feed, Reels, and Story, learn more below.

Business Instagram Scheduling

Depending on the type of media you add, you have the option to publish to your Business Instagram story, feed, reels, or feed & reels. You can choose between direct publishing or publishing via mobile push notifications. Feed 
  • single image
  • multiple images
  • video
Feed & Reels
  • video
  • video
  • single image

Creator Instagram Accounts

Depending on the type of media you add, you have the option to publish to your Creator Instagram story, feed, reels, or feed & reels. When scheduling feed and reels you can choose between direct publishing or publishing via mobile push notifications. When scheduling a story for creator Instagram accounts you'll need to publish via mobile push notifications — direct publishing is not available for Creator stories. Feed
  • single image
  • multiple images
  • single video
Feed & Reels
  • single video
  • single video
  • single image

How to Direct Publish

Social Messages scheduled for Instagram Creator and Business accounts can be automatically published from your calendar when the scheduled time arrives. To opt for direct publishing, select the box next to Direct Publish within the social composer screen. Please note that direct publishing of a single image or video to a Creator account's Story is not supported, use push notification publishing instead. For image and video size recommendations, click here. If the aspect ratio falls outside what is noted, we’ll automatically crop before publishing. Instagram limits each account to 25 directly published posts per 24-hour period. If you exceed that limit from publishing through CoSchedule and/or another third party, your social message will fail to publish.

How to Publish with Mobile Push Notifications

Social Messages scheduled for Instagram Creator and Business accounts can be set to trigger a push notification when the scheduled time arrives. To opt for push notification publishing, select the box next to Publish via Mobile Notification within the social composer screen. This option requires the use of both the CoSchedule mobile app and the Instagram app. Please refer to the instructions below for full details on downloading our app and the publishing process.

Before Posting

  1. Download the CoSchedule mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Log in to the app using the email address and password tied to your CoSchedule account. 
  3. Tap on the Instagram icon in the lower right-hand corner of the CoSchedule app.
  4. The Ready To Post window will appear. 
  5. Click on the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of your phone screen.
  6. You’ll see the Notifications Settings window. 
  7. Make sure the box next to the Instagram profile is checked to receive push notifications.
  8. You will be asked to allow notifications. Tap Allow.

Publish Your Scheduled Message

After you schedule an Instagram post, you will receive a push notification on your mobile phone when the scheduled time is reached. Follow all of the steps below to successfully publish your post to Instagram.
  1. Tap the push notification on your mobile phone.
  2. You will see a Preview Message screen. Tap Post Now to Instagram.
  3. Posting To Instagram instructions will display. Click Continue. This will redirect you to the Instagram app.
  4. If you manage multiple Instagram accounts, toggle to the correct account if needed.
  5. From Instagram, click + to create a new post.
  6. Select your image(s) or video (the media you scheduled will show up first in your library). You can then edit if desired. Once you have finished editing your post, click Next.
  7. In the caption field, long-press on your screen until the Paste option shows up. Click Paste to add the text you scheduled, then click OK.
  8. When you are ready to publish your post to Instagram, click Share.
Note: CoSchedule will send the full image to Instagram. Resize the image if needed. If you are managing multiple Instagram accounts, it is important to make sure you are posting to the correct account.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I missed the push notification?

If you missed a push notification or scheduled a post before enabling push notifications you can still publish the post. In the CoSchedule mobile app, navigate to the Ready to Post page by clicking on the Instagram icon in the bottom right-hand corner of your phone screen. Click on the unpublished Instagram post, then follow steps 2 through 7 in the section above Publishing to Instagram Through Push Notifications.

How many images can I upload?

You add up to 10 images per Instagram feed post.

What types of content can I schedule?

You can schedule single-image, multi-image, and video posts to Instagram through CoSchedule. You cannot schedule posts that contain both video and image(s).

Can I customize the thumbnail if I'm sharing a video?

Yes, if you're directly publishing a video to your feed or reels you can customize the thumbnail image. If you choose Feed & Reels you'll have the ability to select a thumbnail from your video. If you choose Reels you'll have the ability to select a thumbnail from your video or upload an image.

Is there a limit to the number of hashtags allowed?

Yes, captions and first comments can contain a maximum of 30 hashtags.

What is the character limit?

There is a 2200 character limit for captions and first comments.

What is the recommended image and video size?

For image and video size recommendations, click here.

How long can my videos be?

Instagram videos scheduled to publish to Feed, Reels, or Stories need to be at least 3 seconds and cannot be longer than 60 seconds.

Can Reels and Stories be added to ReQueue?


Are first comments supported in ReQueue?

Yes! First comments added to a social message are supported with the social message is added to ReQueue.

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