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Brand Marketing: Why It Matters & How To Do It Right

Published July 25, 2023
/ Updated June 26, 2024

Have you ever seen an advertisement that instantly speaks to you?

Whether it resonates with your beliefs, lifestyle, or aspirations, that’s the impact of effective brand marketing at work.

In this guide, we’ll dive into the concept, importance, and best practices of brand marketing—all while showcasing real-life examples.

Understanding Brand Marketing

What Is Brand Marketing?

Brand Marketing

Brand marketing is the process of promoting products or services indirectly by highlighting the overall brand’s values, mission, and identity.

It’s not just about running a sale for a specific product; it’s about creating a story, an image, and an emotional connection that resonates with your audience.

This in turn creates a strong, positive perception of the brand in the consumer’s mind, underpinning all other marketing efforts.

What Makes Brand Marketing Important?

Brand marketing not only distinguishes a company from its competitors but also instills a sense of trust and loyalty among consumers. There’s a reason why the Starbucks brand is so powerful—it’s not just about the coffee, but the experience, ambiance, and the promise of quality that the brand represents.

Brands, like Starbucks, use these marketing tactics to boost their brands awareness. What is brand awareness in marketing? Brand awareness in marketing is the extent to which customers with a particular brand’s product or service. This is typically built through brand marketing and it is key to gaining brand visibility.

Without effective brand marketing, companies can struggle to establish a strong presence in the market, and their offerings might easily be overlooked.

What Are The Goals & Objectives In Brand Marketing

The value of strong brand marketing is multifaceted.

On one hand, it establishes the business’s identity and distinguishes it in the marketplace. On the other, it fosters customer loyalty and drives long-term growth.

Overall, its objectives can be outlined as follows:

  • Increases brand awareness: Ensures your target audience recognizes and remembers your brand over your competitors. The goal is for your brand to be a consumer’s first thought when they think of the product or service category that you operate in.
  • Improves brand equity: Builds positive perceptions around your brand. High brand equity implies that customers value your brand and are willing to pay a premium for your products or services.
  • Builds customer loyalty: Helps you to connect with consumers on a human level. The aim here is to not only attract new customers but also retain existing ones by encouraging repeat purchases and increasing a customer’s lifetime value.
  • Improves sales and growth: Influences customer decisions by keeping your brand top of mind leaving consumers confident in their choice to purchase from you.
  • Creates brand advocates: Turn satisfied customers into brand advocates who will voluntarily promote your brand to others, thus increasing exposure—for free.

4 Types Of Brand Marketing

Product Branding

Product branding emphasizes the unique attributes of a specific product. When done properly, this in turn builds up the entire brand.

For example, Apple promotes its iPhones using a variety of marketing angles that all speak to its target demographic. Over the years, online privacy has become a major concern for many people. In recent years, Apple doubled down on its iPhone’s privacy features with simple, yet poignant ads that let users know Apple, as a company, cares about user privacy.

Personal Branding

Personal branding involves marketing individuals and their careers as brands. It’s often used by influencers, entrepreneurs, or public figures. Gary Vaynerchuk, for example, has built a strong personal brand around his expertise in digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

Corporate Branding

Corporate branding involves promoting the brand name of a corporate entity, rather than its products or services. For example, Google promotes itself as an innovative and forward-thinking company that strives to improve the lives of as many people as possible.

Service Branding

Service branding is about promoting the services offered by a company. For instance, Uber brands itself around the convenience, safety, and reliability of its ride-hailing service.

What typically sets a service-based company’s branding apart from its competitors are the “extras” offered. This could include things like a rewards program, exceptional customer service, or innovative features that enhance the overall customer experience.

6 Steps To Build A Brand Strategy

Step 1: Understand Your Target Audience

Understanding who your products or services are meant for is the first step in building a brand strategy. These are the people who are most likely to buy your product or service. Conduct market research to identify their demographics, preferences, behaviors, and needs.

Step 2: Define Your Brand Identity

Your brand identity is the core essence of your brand. It includes your mission, values, and unique selling proposition. This is the thing that every other part of your strategy needs to align with.

Step 3: Analyze Your Competitors

Analyze your competitors to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and branding strategies. This will help you identify opportunities for differentiation and provide insights into effective tactics. But remember, you’re not here to be a copycat—you’re here to stand out.

Step 4: Create A Consistent Brand Voice

Your brand voice isn’t just about what you say, it’s about how you say it. And it has to be consistent. Your audience should be able to recognize you in a heartbeat, whether it’s on social media, your website, or an email.

Step 5: Develop A Visual Identity

Your visual brand identity includes your logo, color palette, typography, and other visual elements that represent your brand. These elements should be consistent across all brand materials and should visually communicate your brand identity. Take Headspace for example, their branding is instantly recognizable and embodies their mission of making mindfulness approachable.

Step 6: Implement, Monitor, & Refine

Finally, implement your brand strategy across all channels. Monitor its effectiveness through metrics like brand awareness, brand equity, and customer satisfaction. Always be prepared to refine your strategy based on feedback or changing market conditions.

Best Practices In Brand Marketing

Creating Brand Engagement

Brand engagement is all about creating meaningful interactions with your audience. That means creating content that resonates, sparks conversations, and makes people want to stick around.

This could be interactive content, insightful blog posts, or lighthearted commentary on real-world events. Take a look at this example from Netflix that went viral on Twitter during the royal wedding.

Building Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Cultivate a strong customer service culture where problems are resolved quickly. Moreover, don’t forget the power of a “thank you”.

Rewarding your customers with special offers or loyalty programs can go a long way in making them feel appreciated and keeping them coming back time and time again.

Examples Of Brand Marketing


Nike is a global sports apparel company that markets its products by associating them with high performance and athleticism. Their “Just Do It” campaign, for example, inspires consumers to overcome challenges, aligning with the brand’s mission to bring innovation and inspiration to every athlete in the world.


Coca-Cola is a beverage company known for its iconic branding. Their marketing emphasizes happiness and togetherness, connecting emotionally with consumers. An example is their “Share a Coke” campaign, which featured common names on Coke bottles, making their product a personalized experience for consumers.


Starbucks is a global coffeehouse chain, known for its premium roasted coffees and unique coffeehouse culture. The brand’s marketing strategy is centered around a superior customer experience and delivering a “third place” environment between home and work. One way Starbucks builds long-lasting customer relationships is through its Starbucks Rewards program. By offering customers points for purchases, exclusive perks, and personalized offers, Starbucks has cultivated a loyal customer base that frequently returns.



Starbucks rewards

Starbucks rewards program


What Is Brand Marketing?

Brand marketing is the process of indirectly promoting products or services that elevate the brand’s values, mission, and identity. It is essentially the image your brand represents and showcases to the public.

What Is An Example Of Brand Marketing?

From 2011 to 2020, Coca-Cola ran the “Share a Coke” campaign, featuring the most popular names on Coke bottles, creating a personalized experience for every consumer who purchased a Coke. This genius brand marketing example is considered the most successful marketing campaign to date.

What Does Brand Marketing Cover?

Brand marketing covers a wide range of strategies that promote the organizations story, values, mission, identity, image, and emotional connection. This includes a brand’s identity, positioning, awareness, loyalty, and equity.

What is Brand Awareness In Marketing?

Brand awareness in marketing refers to how easily recognizable a brand is to its target audience, encompassing how well customers can recognize or recall it. A consumer can purchase a product or service from a brand, but if they can’t recall it, then they are unlikely to purchase it again.

What Is Brand Equity In Marketing?

Brand equity in marketing refers to the social value of a brand and the amount of influence it has on its customers. Brand equity is based on factors such as brand awareness and loyalty which can take years to build.