30 Email Subject Line Examples To Inspire Your Own

64% of folks read an email’s subject line to decide whether to open it. Meaning: your email subject line must be catchy enough to get recipients’ attention and convince them to read your email. That’s some hard work that you need to do right there. Luckily, you can easily crack this nut using subject line templates that are inspired by the best email subject line examples. And this is exactly what we’ve packed in this guide — 30 email subject line examples along with a look at what makes them a winner and a template that you can use today. Ready to improve your email open rate? Let’s dive in but first:
Quick List of Email Subject Line Examples
Email subject line examples:
  1.  Just in time: Add Venmo to Amazon for all your holiday shopping
  2. You set two new personal records
  3. Here's how a Notion expert builds a workspace
  4. Savings Inside: Treats on SALE!
  5. Share, refer, earn $200!
  6. The most delicious fall recipe inside
  7. ???? 40% in traffic in 4 months with content updates
  8. NEW! The AllTrails × Allbirds shorts and tees are here!
  9. New: Our latest picks for you
  10. How to promote your stuff on social media
  11. Meet Otter Pro! Instantly boost your productivity with automatic note-taking
  12. Workshops: Problem Framing, Building Brands, and More
  13. Coming Friday, July 31st... The Umbrella Academy Season 2
  14. Wish you were here! Signed, the Drive Thru
  15. Master workplace communication: Free up more time for deep work
  16.  $ 100 Off Our Top-Seller
  17.  Don’t miss the Apple Shopping Event — now through November 28
  18.  Complimentary shipping on gifts for beloved mothers
  19.  The most-requested live meditation topic is ...
  20.  How GitLab’s Head of Remote works async
  21.  Feeling Overwhelmed?
  22.  Psst… have you tried all of these team features yet?
  23.  Stylist Picks: Mood-Boosting Sweaters
  24.  Candy for breakfast!
  25.  Get 50% Off Membership, Smiles Davis
  26.  Get a FREE polar bear pop-it with your 2-year subscription. Only while supplies last!
  27.  How Git and other tools enable and empower DevOps teams
  28.  3-2-1: Our biggest sale is on❗️
  29.  Meet our latest limited-edition scent sensation: Sugared & Spice(d)!
  30.  Grow: How Becky Malinsky’s less-is-more format carved out a niche within the noise
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30 Email Subject Line Examples

1. Venmo’s straight-to-the-point subject line example

Email subject line example: “Just in time: Add Venmo to Amazon for all your holiday shopping”
This Venmo email subject line is effective because it creates a subtle sense of urgency using the words “just in time.” This helps it set the need for the new feature. It’s also straightforward, another winning attribute of email subject lines that sets clear expectations with readers around what they’ll find in the email. Email subject line template: Just in time for [share season/timing]: Feature or content update.

2. Grammarly Insights’ user-focused subject line

Email subject line example: “You set two new personal records!”
Grammarly's subject line makes the email about its users — making them feel good about themselves, therefore, driving email opens. It’s a great example that SaaS tools can replicate for engaging their users. Email subject line template: You’ve [add celebratory milestone].

3. Notion’s curiosity-intriguing invite for a case study

Email subject line example: “Here's how a Notion expert builds a workspace”
This example leverages social proof to instill curiosity and drive action. It’s also simple, therefore, conveying its message powerfully. Template to use yourself: Here’s how a [tool or product name] uses/styles [feature]

4. Chewy’s call for sales subject line

Email subject line example: “Savings Inside: Treats on SALE!”
This email subject line doesn’t beat about the bush — it’s specific in sharing what’s on sale (treats). And by writing “savings inside,” the subject line also gives its readers sufficient context about what’s in the email. Email subject line template: Savings Inside/Alert: [Product name] on sale.

5. Deel’s straightforward and action-driving referral subject line

Email subject line example: “Share, refer, earn $200!”
Deel's subject line is short, helping it stand out among the sea of long subject lines. It’s also specific, laying out the easy, 3-step process that tells readers how they can win a quick $200, which encourages action. To top that, the words “earn $200” also drive email opens as it answers a key question that readers have: ‘what’s in it for me.’ Email subject line template: [Action step 1], [Action step 2], [reward for user].

6. Chobani’s adjective-powered subject line

Email subject line example: “The most delicious fall recipe inside”
Like the email subject line examples above, this one’s also short and specific about what’s inside. Both these characteristics help Chobani respect their readers’ time and set expectations on what’s inside. There’s also a superlative adjective “most delicious” used that drives action by piquing curiosity. One thing to note here if you’re using a similar email subject line: continue keeping your readers’ trust by making sure your email’s content is valuable as the adjective you use to describe it promises. This is an email marketing best practice you can’t compromise with. Email subject line template: The [superlative adjective] + [content description] inside.

7. Clearscope’s results-promising webinar invite

Email subject line example: “ ???? 40% in traffic in 4 months with content updates”
This subject line uses numbers and according to a YesWare study, numbers in an email subject line drive results. What’s more, it specifies the action and time that led to the results they’re talking about, which makes readers curious and also sets their expectations about the email’s content. Email subject line template: X% [increase or decrease] + [in X time] with [action step].

8. AllTrail’s collaboration announcement

Email subject line example: “NEW! The AllTrails × Allbirds shorts and tees are here!”
AllTrails email subject line uses the power word “new” for encouraging action. It also shares the collaborator’s name, tapping into its influence to get people to click open the email and explore the collection. Lastly, the subject line clarifies what the email is about (specifies product names), which is another important email subject line best practice to stick with. Email subject line template: New: [collaborators names] + [the collection or product name].

9. Nike’s customer-first email subject line

Email subject line example: “New: Our latest picks for you.”
The subject line uses power words “new” and “latest” and talks to the reader, promising them something that’s relevant to them. The relevance, in turn, encourages action and sales. If you were to use this email subject line example as an inspiration, make sure you’re sharing custom content with relevant suggestions for the reader in the email. Only then will you be able to continue keeping your target buyers’ trust. Email subject line template: New: Our freshest/latest/curated picks for you.

10. Descript’s question-led subject line

Email subject line example: “How to promote your stuff on social media”
Descript's subject line wins because it taps into simplicity and answers a question readers have. If you’re using it for yourself, make sure you tackle a question that you are sure your target readers frequently ask (consistently learning about your target audience helps with this). Email subject line template: 4-5 words sharing a question your readers have.

11. Otter’s conversational invite to check their premium tool

Email subject line example: “Meet Otter Pro! Instantly boost your productivity with automatic note-taking”
This subject line pairs the invite with the benefit the user can get. In fact, it pinpoints exactly which benefit the user will drive “boost your productivity” and how it’ll be achieved (“with automatic note taking”). Email subject line template: Meet [Premium service/product name]: [Share time frame} + [benefits] + [how].

12. Miro’s workshops’ invite that front-loads what will be covered

Email subject line example: “Workshops: Problem Framing, Building Brands, and More”
Miro's subject line wins because it isn’t generic. Instead, it gives an insider view into what topics will be covered in the workshop series. This email subject line works best when you know the topics that are uber-relevant to your target audience. Email subject line template: [Content name: webinar, masterclass, workshop, livestream]: [Topic name 1] + [Topic name 2], and more.

13. Netflix’s specific email reminder

Email subject line example: “Coming Friday, July 31st... The Umbrella Academy Season 2”
Again, this subject line example wins because of its specificity. It answers the ‘when’ and ‘what’ questions in the recipients’ minds. Save this subject line example in your email marketing calendar for hyping product launches or when you share series-based, episodic content. Email subject line template: [Day, date] + [Episode/content name].

14. McDonalds’ brand personality-rich subject line

Email subject line example: “Wish you were here! Signed, the Drive Thru”
This email subject line is unique and personality-rich, humanizing the brand by making its drive-thru a character that’s writing an email. Email subject line template: [2-4 words on missing your user/customer] + Signed, [product/feature name]

15. Loom’s value-first subject line

Email subject line example: “Master workplace communication: Free up more time for deep work.”
Loom's email subject line gives a solution to something Loom’s audience struggles with, making it a winner. As with other email subject line examples above though, this type of a subject line drives the best results when you know your audience well enough to create content that is helpful for them. Email subject line template: Master [topic]: [Benefit].

16. Cozy Earth’s power word-driven, specific subject line

Email subject line example: “$100 Off Our Top-Seller”
This subject line shares exactly what’s on sale and by how much — using numbers to increase the open rate. Most of all, “top” used in the subject line is a power word. Put simply, this subject line’s specificity, and the power word used to contribute to its success. Email subject line template: [X% off] on [product/plan/collection name].

17.  Apple’s FOMO-inducing email subject line

Email subject line example: “Don’t miss the Apple Shopping Event — now through November 28.”
“Don’t miss” in this email subject line example instills FOMO (fear of missing out), encouraging people to check out the email. It’s also specific as it shares the event’s dates. And the em dash ( — ) used helps improve the subject line’s readability. Unsure how well your subject line reads? Test its readability and effectiveness using this email subject line tester. Email subject line template: Don’t miss [event name] — starting [start and end dates].

18.  Aesop’s incentive-oriented subject line

Email subject line example: “Complimentary shipping on gifts for beloved mothers”
Aesop's subject line works because it front-loads an incentive (complimentary shipping) for encouraging opens and sales. With 82% of shoppers preferring free shipping over paying a delivery fee, this is a great strategy to drive results. Email subject line template: [Incentive] on [product/tools] for [specific person or event day].

19.  Headspace’s curiosity-piquing subject line

Email subject line example: “The most-requested live meditation topic is ...”
This subject line whets its recipients’ curiosity, making them wonder what the topic is and whether they’d be interested in it — leading them to open the email. Email subject line template: The most requested [feature/series/content resource name] is…

20. Twist’s social proof-powered subject line

Email subject line example: “How GitLab’s Head of Remote works async”
Twist’s email subject line leverages authority to get people interested. Since people love a sneak peek into others’ workflow, toolkits, or similar, they open such emails. You can take a similar approach to pull the curtain over a user’s workflow or an influencer’s shopping cart/wardrobe collection (including your product). Email subject line template: How [X] does [Y].

21.  Trello’s subject line taps into emotions

Email subject line example: “Feeling Overwhelmed?”
This is another subject line example that humanizes the brand, helping it connect with its target audience by acknowledging what they’re feeling. Plus, it speaks directly to the recipient. It’s one of the best ways to show your brand isn’t tone-deaf and can help solve a negative emotion. Email subject line template: Feeling [emotion]?

22. Calendly’s gentle nudge to encourage recipients to use more of its tool

Email subject line example: “Psst… have you tried all of these team features yet?”
Calendly's email subject line is great for grabbing (relatively new) users’ attention who’d be interested in learning more about the tool’s features. Addressing the recipient by asking a question makes them curious, which encourages email opens. Also note that “psst” is a conversational style to writing email subject lines, making them more human. Use it if it aligns with your brand voice. Email subject line template: Have you tried these [features/tools/products] yet?

23. Everlane’s authority-leveraging email

Email subject line example: “Stylist Picks: Mood-Boosting Sweaters”
This is another of the email subject line examples that make the most of an expert’s influence to prompt opens. It also subtly points to the benefit “mood-boosting” to describe the selected sweaters. This is a good way to meet customers’ needs as winters can be depressing for many. Email subject line template: Expert picks: [subtle benefit] + [product or feature name].

24.  Magic Spoon’s witty subject line that makes people question

Email subject line example: “Candy for breakfast!”
This subject line is a winner because it says something unexpected — something contradictory to what people believe to drive action. Email subject line template: [X] for [Y].

25. Skillshare’s personalized discount subject line

Email subject line example: “Get 50% Off Membership, Smiles Davis”
Besides being specific about the discount on their service, Skillshare’s subject line addresses the recipient with their name, using personalization to increase open rates. Email subject line template: Get [X% off] + [product/subscription or membership plan], [Recipient name].

26. National Geographic’s freebie-led subject line

Email subject line example: “Get a FREE polar bear pop-it with your 2-year subscription. Only while supplies last!”
This subject line offers a freebie to get its recipients’ attention. It’s also very precise in the details its offers. Lastly, by including “only while supplies last,” the subject line adds FOMO to the equation, which tells recipients they need to hurry to avail the offer. Email subject line template: Get a FREE [freebie name] with [product or subscription plan]. Only while supplies last [alternatively, only the first X people or only for X days].

27.  Atlassian’s educational subject line promising transformation

Email subject line example: “How Git and other tools enable and empower DevOps teams”
Atlassian’s subject line is benefit-oriented and educational. It promises to teach readers how to use a specific toolset to “enable” and “empower” (transformative verbs that promise results) a specific team. Email subject line template: How [tool name] + [transformative verb] + [specific teams].

28. Fitbit’s urgency-inducing subject line

Email subject line example: “3-2-1: Our biggest sale is on❗️”
Fitbit’s email subject line instills urgency with a countdown. And it also uses the power word, “biggest” to drive conversion rates. Email subject line template: 3-2-1: Our [adjective] sale is on.

29. Function of Beauty’s new product intro subject line

Email subject line example: “Meet our latest limited-edition scent sensation: Sugared & Spice(d)!”
This subject line also uses power words, “limited-edition” and “latest.” Plus, it specifies the new product’s flavor to excite its buyers, which pushes them to read the email. Email subject line template: Meet our latest [FOMO-inducing, power word] + [product name]: [Share product name or specifications].

30. Substack’s educational subject line leveraging an example to teach

Email subject line example: “Grow: How Becky Malinsky’s less-is-more format carved out a niche within the noise”
Substack’s subject line uses the proven email marketing idea of teaching by sharing an example(s). To add, it uses the prefix “grow” to set readers’ expectations, telling them the content will help them grow their newsletter, a challenge that Substack’s users need help with. Email subject line template: [Action step]: How [expert name] + [specific tactic/strategy/framework] helped them [benefit that’s relevant to your readers].
Summing Up: Takeaways from these Email Subject Line Examples
The best email subject lines are specific — telling readers what’s in the email and sharing numbers where possible. They are also benefit-oriented, answering the ‘what’s in it for me question’ that gets people to open the email. Lastly, effective subject lines also leverage social proof (read: influence), drive urgency, or instill FOMO, all while being conversational and non-pushy.
About the Author

Masooma Memon is a renowned freelance writer and journalist with over ten years of experience. She mainly writes SEO-optimized long-form content like detailed how-to guides, actionable blog posts, and case studies. Memon pairs storytelling and research with a pinch of emotion to write engaging long-form blog posts and articles. She mainly writes on digital marketing, productivity, and customer experience. She prides herself in writing content that is up-to-date and well-researched. There are a few things that Memon does on every writing job that sets her apart from other freelancers. First, she includes subtle keywords in the content. Second, she does extensive research and backs up all claims that are made. Finally, she has crisp writing without fluff or plagiarism. Memon is highly skilled in researching and analyzing complex topics, and is able to present them in an easy-to-understand manner for her readers. She has a keen eye for detail and is able to uncover the most important aspects of a story, making her articles highly informative and engaging.